Was this a correct fold on the turn? I considered calling since villain could be playing a flush draw aggressively but I decided KQ is most likely. With these pot odds I think I need to win about 1/5 times, is that right? I think at these stakes a raise like this usually means they have it but villain was quite aggressive so I didn't feel confident in my decision to fold.
Looking back on this hand, these are some possible mistakes I think I made:
+Possibly should have just flat called pre instead of 3betting, to keep the pot smaller. My reason for 3betting light was that villain was opening very wide.
+Maybe should have check/call flop or bet flop and then check turn
Would really appreciate any input or advice on this hand.
Its not really a light 3bet imo. Calling is bad so your line is good for the reason you mentioned. Not thrilled about calling the turn but yeah... Check calling seems bad since you give him free cards. I would call after betting that turn.
With these pot odds and his stats I tend to call it. Occasionally he shows AJ, JJ, QJ but a fishy player like this can show AK, AQ, JT and possibly even worse.
The bet on the flop should definitely be bigger tho, this bet just invites all kinda draws and makes it harder on later streets.