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cbet or check back? cbet or check back?

08-21-2020 , 06:39 AM
Hero raises with A7 on button vs cutoff.

Flop: J103

Hero bets 1/3 pot and faces x/r and calls.

What is the most optimal play on this flop as hero IP? Check back or cbet?
cbet or check back? Quote
08-21-2020 , 07:24 AM
I dont know how you can raise on button vs cutoff (3-bet?), but anyway I am barrelling off. If I get xr, I am sometimes calling and sometimes going all in. When OOP I am more inclined to shoving.
(I will also fast play my nutty hands on a board like this)
cbet or check back? Quote
08-21-2020 , 01:51 PM
Bet flop medium sized on this board.
cbet or check back? Quote
08-21-2020 , 10:14 PM
actual action and stack sizes are relevant

I've seen two threads of yours and you need to start posting full hand histories

most of the time we can bet this in most spots but that depends
cbet or check back? Quote
