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Cashing Out Cashing Out

03-22-2008 , 05:06 PM
I've been reading a lot of threads saying how much people have lost moving up from 25NL to 50NL and having to go back down. For me, I played about 10,000 hands at 25NL and basically got crushed, had a BB/100 of about -3. I either constantly got sucked out or had QQ to KK or KK to AA. So I decided to test out 50NL, I've played 7,500 hands, have a BB/100 of about 5 and I'm winning pretty consistantly. I was now wondering how I should go about cashing out. I've been currently managing a bankroll of about 15 buyins and cashing anything above. Does anyone have some good ways to go about cashing your roll, and even still having it grow?
Cashing Out Quote
03-22-2008 , 05:10 PM
well I think your bankroll managent is pretty poor but to answer your question I think just getting a check is by far the best method. I know pstars does this, not sure about other sites but I would hope they do too

No need to involve another party anyway, IMO. Seriously though, epassporte sucks
Cashing Out Quote
03-22-2008 , 05:22 PM
Why is epassporte terrible? That is currently the company I am using. Yeah my br management is pretty low, I should have more than 15 buyins, but I stay at this limit and always cut my losses when I'm down, so it works fine with me
Cashing Out Quote
03-22-2008 , 05:27 PM
epassporte sucks balls b/c they work fine until they eventually completely **** you. I wrote a whole thing about it once, I don't have the link though. Basically they held onto a lot of my money for a really long time and during this time their customer service was insanely bad, they flat-out lied to me, and I basically had to raise an army to get them to give me any respect.
I vowed to highly recommend everyone discontinue using them. It isn't out of spite either. If you want to keep using them go ahead and other people definitely do but as a member of this forum giving advice to my peers I truly believe you will be much better off not dealing with them

But like I said, if you can get a check/wire transfer there is no reason to pay all the transactions fees and involve a middle man at all, no matter what the company
Cashing Out Quote
03-22-2008 , 06:08 PM
Can't you just request a physical check?
Cashing Out Quote
03-22-2008 , 06:29 PM
Arer there any issues requesting a check directly from an online poker site as a US resident? I wouldn't want to compromise the security of our nation's ports!
Cashing Out Quote
03-22-2008 , 06:30 PM
I play mostly at FT, and I use epass. Never had any problems. Getting their credit card/debit card is really convienent. Then again, I never moved more than 1k at a time. Check probably safer for larger sums.
Cashing Out Quote
03-22-2008 , 07:20 PM
I think it's smart to cash out frequently. It leaves you with something to show for the time put in the game. I cash out every Friday. About 75% of my profits is moved to my checking account ---> savings account. I use the other 25% for padding my bankroll for the next limit. Sure it will take me a long time to move up, but for someone who has tilty tendencies it's better for my health and bankroll.
Cashing Out Quote
03-22-2008 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by appleslider
Sure it will take me a long time to move up, but for someone who has tilty tendencies it's better for my health and bankroll.
But you will never go busto!
Cashing Out Quote
03-23-2008 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by appleslider
I think it's smart to cash out frequently. It leaves you with something to show for the time put in the game. I cash out every Friday. About 75% of my profits is moved to my checking account ---> savings account. I use the other 25% for padding my bankroll for the next limit. Sure it will take me a long time to move up, but for someone who has tilty tendencies it's better for my health and bankroll.
This is one of the best things I have heard lately. You know your tendencies and are doing something proactive to combat them-good job.
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