I guess cbet OTF can be discussed as well, I'm trying to mix in some semi-bluff cbets in MW pots as well because I noticed that I tend to check back most of the times and I think we loose value, particularly with hands that have no SDV at all.
Should I generally keep barreling OTT? Maybe some 9x can find the fold button?
OTR I don't think there is any bluff, so the question is if we have the required 25% equity to call: I think SB is generally flatting wider here due to possibility of fishes being in the hand. We need to have at least half combos of sets to breakeven, but probably reviewing the hand these tend to raise OTF, even if a slowplay to keep the fish in the hand is possible. If we remove these I guess it's a fold, not sure if K9s calls preflop and if T9s plays this way. Also I guess some QJ can play this way, and this is being optimistic in considering that SB does not flat A5s-A2s and one-gappers pre.
The SB should never have hands like JTs or AJs+ and he will probably have something like TT..
All other sets would have raised you already, even if he goes check behind with something like 99 or 66, he does has a value bet in this river.
As I see, it's not that bad to shove tour hand.. but fold is way out of question here..
Edit: actually it's bad.
After you check behind this turn you can't fold to this river..
If he shows up with a hand like, JXs, QXs or AXs that made the flush on the river, the result does not matter, because he will have more hands like KQo and KQs, KJs and KJo and many worst hands, that you have to make a note..
Last edited by ULTRACURRY; 08-24-2018 at 12:17 PM.