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bottom two get big action bottom two get big action

06-15-2008 , 07:11 PM
live game 2/4

utg raises to 10, 4 players call, I call in SB with 6 9

Flop is A 6 9

I check, all other players check, BU bets 24, I raise to 60, all other players fold, BU calls quickly.

Turn 3

I think for a while and check, BU bets 100, I think and call

River 7

I think quite long and check, BU goes all in for 250, I cover.

Would you play the hand differently and is river a call as played? BU didnīt get out of line before, but lost a relatively large pot 3 hands before this.
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06-15-2008 , 07:33 PM
can you describe villain at all? is he old? does he look like he would be on online player? standard live fish? people aren't normally aggressive in live games so I don't like a call him down plan, especially w/ such a vulnerable hand. if you're beat by a set/better two pair you're way behind and you don't know what your outs are. I would rather lead the turn but if I checked I would jam or fold. If you're having this much trouble playing the hand after the flop you should probably reconsider your c/r too.
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06-15-2008 , 07:45 PM
villain is about 35 and I think plays mostly live.
my reasoning was that I would fold out all bluffs/weaker hands by betting.
and villain looked a bit overconfident to me while betting.
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06-15-2008 , 08:00 PM
yea you fold out all bluffs but the only hand he can have to bluff w/ after his flop b/c is 87. I really don't see Ax folding either, not to mention Ax has decent equity against your hand and giving a free card hurts a lot. also, even if he looks over confident, fish can misjudge the strength of their own hand and he might be the type to think TPGK is the nuts.
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06-15-2008 , 08:57 PM
when i checkraise turn he folds Ax nearly 100%. He played quite reasonable so far not out of line and my image is relative tight. So I think itīs worth giving him a chance to draw out on me with Ax instead of raising turn. So he has to bluff river if he wants to win the showdown, because the only hand i could have that is beaten by Ax is 78.
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06-16-2008 , 02:15 AM
huh? why did you check the turn to begin with? are you really suggesting that he's going to turn Ax into a bluff? sorry ur avg 35 year old live player is not thinking like this.
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06-16-2008 , 02:35 AM
c/r flop bigger. bet the turn. as played fistpump call. don't play 69s if you're not shipping it in here.

unlucky he had better.
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06-16-2008 , 09:00 AM
This is so badly played. Lead flop lead turn lead river, prob fold to a raise.
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06-16-2008 , 09:50 AM
why is this badly played, what hand do you put villain on. which worse hands would call my turn lead?
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06-16-2008 , 10:08 AM
If thats your feeling I don't like the flop line.
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06-16-2008 , 10:30 AM
yeah but perhaps villain didnīt want to give up flop to my small raise and then when checked to him thinks iīm weak and tries to get me off my hand.
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06-16-2008 , 02:19 PM
b/f the turn imo...
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06-16-2008 , 05:15 PM
I like the c/r on the flop. With 5-6 people seeing this flop and it being a raised pot, someone will almost always bet here. The fact that it is the UTG who is driving this pot makes me like the c/r more since you will often get a weaksauce c-bet out of him followed by numerous weaksauce calls, then a nice hefty raise by you. If the flop had not contained an A, I would be much more inclined to bet out since the chance of that weaksauce c-bet is lessened severely.

Given that the bet came from the BTN creates a different situation then the one that should have been set out since now instead of trapping some dead money in the middle of your check and subsequent raise, you are now experiencing a raise from the player on your immediate right in what could easily be a play for the pot given everybodys check. Just remember that your hand is still extremely vulnerable and protection should be a priority. Saying all of that, I would much prefer the c/r to be a bit larger. $75 should be the minimum with anything up to $100 being great. If you price in even one player before the BTN you risk going to the turn multi way which can essentially kill your hand since now there are so many scare cards out there. Any 7-A (minus the 9) becomes scary for good reason against a few hands. Against one hand (ideally the BTN) seeing monsters becomes less of a worry.

As played, you need to bet that turn card for a few reasons. 1)His call of the c/r should tell you he has some sort of hand was not outright stealing on the flop. 2)It should also tell you that there is a good chance he will continue to payoff with a second best hand (like Ax). 3)That was one of the best cards in the deck for you and you should look to capitalize on its value. 4)Effective stacks are ~100bb so your worry should not be to fear a higher 2pair and look to minimize your possible losses but rather find a way to get the money in. You just aren't deep enough to fold a flopped 2pair here ever. especially with the A on board since it brings so many inferior hands that are willing to continue.

As played, I would now just call the turn bet. Him firing a second barrel is one of two things. Either he has the monster you fear and you will just pay him off completely by the river (with the possibility of still folding to either a bad river card or some soul reading) or he senses weakness with your small c/r followed by a check on the turn. At this point I think it is more profitable to just let him hang himself with his aggression rather than let him know you have a hand and allow him to fold out his second best hand. I mean if you c/r the turn you are only getting called by better and folding out a hand that has ~5-8 outs. This is another reason to bet out on the turn. (5)You can't maximize with a c/r since all inferior hands shut down and by c/c'ng you essentially cap the amount of money that can possibly go into the pot. Again, you are too shallow to worry about the element of controlling the pot and/or protecting your stack so don't make that an issue or be a detriment to your goal.

As played, by the river you are facing a $250 bet into a $630 pot. Too good of odds to fold to. The BTN could very easily have a big A and just be overvaluing it. Granted I am not happy about calling the bet but the way the hand played out dictates I do so. Add in that he lost a nice pot and may be subtly (if not full on) tilting and him overvaluing his hand becomes a real possibility.

The only reason I may find a fold is that his flop bet could be interpreted as a monster (a set) that is trying to get paid while not losing its customers. I mean he bet $24 into a field of 5 others including the preflop raiser facing a $60 pot. So either he is terrible or he is attempting to be deceptive in extracting value. You were there so you are the only one that can decipher this flop bet.

The fact that you offered no reads just adds to the fruitlessness of my post though ...

Last edited by jlocdog; 06-16-2008 at 05:34 PM.
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06-16-2008 , 10:00 PM
thanks very nice post, he had A8s by the way ...
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