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Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000)

07-24-2008 , 04:20 PM
Villain is kinda fishy reg, 29/13/3 23 went to sd, 47 won at sd. 50% won at sd when raise turn. The thing is, his line is mostly either a bluff/busted draw or a higher boat, the only hands that can call a raise are non boated 4. I have never seen him play overpairs like that, so this is very very small % of his range. Call or valueraise?

Cryptologic $5/$10 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

BTN: $1000.00
SB: $1041.00
BB: $620.52
UTG: $1147.00
MP: $3422.99
Hero (CO): $3055.00

Pre Flop: Hero is CO with 2 2
1 fold, MP raises to $30, Hero calls $30, 1 fold, SB calls $25, 1 fold

Flop: ($100.00) 4 5 T (3 players)
SB checks, MP checks, Hero checks

Turn: ($100.00) 4 (3 players)
SB checks, MP checks, Hero bets $65, SB raises to $130, MP folds, Hero calls $65

River: ($360.00) 2 (2 players)
SB bets $400, has $481 behind.
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-24-2008 , 04:21 PM
Fold turn
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-24-2008 , 04:31 PM
With all the draws out there and him being a bit splashy, you think i should fold for minraise? I wasn't obv drawing for the deuce, i thought i might have the best hand.
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-24-2008 , 05:40 PM
fold turn

as played i raise the river. i think there are some straights he might calloff....
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-24-2008 , 05:48 PM
If you call turn how can you fold river?
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-24-2008 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Black winter day
With all the draws out there and him being a bit splashy, you think i should fold for minraise? I wasn't obv drawing for the deuce, i thought i might have the best hand.
lol, yes

also shove river, you are not folding 22 on turn but you expect him to fold a 4 on the river to a minraise?
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-24-2008 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by Black winter day
With all the draws out there and him being a bit splashy, you think i should fold for minraise? I wasn't obv drawing for the deuce, i thought i might have the best hand.
You're barely ahead of draws. 7c6c is actually a favorite over you. And if he has what he's repping you're drawing to 2 outs or maybe even dead.
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-24-2008 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by Eddi
shove river, you are not folding 22 on turn but you expect him to fold a 4 on the river to a minraise?
he's obv not saying he will fold a 4, but that he has a better fullhouse too much of the time.

that said i still shove river he can have enough goofy hands and convince himself into calling
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-24-2008 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by ddubois
You're barely ahead of draws. 7c6c is actually a favorite over you. And if he has what he's repping you're drawing to 2 outs or maybe even dead.

That is not the point. Yes, 7c6c has 24 outs. But he will almost never bets if he hits a 7 or a 6 and he might check fold if a T hits. So, if i put him on that, i can safely fold to a club or 8/3 turn.

The call on the turn is questionable, perhaps. I thought at the time that for min c/r i can see the river and reev, cause he might be just trying to take a chip stab. I did bet OTB after it was checked to me twice in raised pot, so he might think i got air or that his AT or whatever has sd value, because i will chicken out and check behind the river with my "K high", but he doesn't want to call a big river bet... I think calling turn is a small mistake, if any.

The question is about the river. I obv at least call. Do i raise?
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-24-2008 , 07:07 PM
i just call, its probably nuts or air. you're behind nuts. and air aint callin a shove. idk, unless you think hes playing 4x
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-25-2008 , 08:09 AM
For villain to have a boat, he has to have 2pr or a set on the flop (otherwise, he could have 42o, but this is probably not worthy of a pf call). With those hands, the straightforward thing to do is bet the flop with a draw-heavy board and 2 other players (unless he was sure someone would bet - not enough info for this read). The turn call was borderline, but since you lucked out with the 2 on the turn, I would shove the river. You probably have the best hand, and the pot's so big now, he may pay you off on the small raise with a marginal hand.

Last edited by DoubleFly; 07-25-2008 at 08:25 AM.
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-25-2008 , 08:12 AM
He has 45. But I still raise
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-25-2008 , 08:26 AM
Turn call is uberbad imo. The draws out there only make your hand worse, if your not left to two outs he has a lot of outs on you, and you probably would have to face a river bet.

As playet its an easy rivershove. You get value from a lot of 4s here.
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-25-2008 , 08:39 AM
people saying the turncall is bad cos he is an underdog to 76s are ******ed. he needs to be good 22% on the river and is so against 65s.

the turncall is not great, but not because of his equity against draws, however it isn't terrible as he is getting such great odds

i think a shove on the river is in order. you have 60% against just his boats and straights (not including TT cos he prolly 3bet pre there)

that isn't even including bare 4x hands
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-25-2008 , 07:19 PM
I ended up shoving...
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-25-2008 , 08:07 PM
turn is pretty gross since you usually never have the best hand.
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-25-2008 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by snakekilla88
turn is pretty gross since you usually never have the best hand.
even when you do you're prob not going to get to show it down very often
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-25-2008 , 09:42 PM
did you seriously call turn only to debate river when you boated up

HEAD ASPLODE please fold turn
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-25-2008 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by kolotoure
even when you do you're prob not going to get to show it down very often
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-25-2008 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by SkeetyMcdoogle
did you seriously call turn only to debate river when you boated up

HEAD ASPLODE please fold turn
Did you read the op? The choise is between a call and a raise, i am obv not folding. And reads can change from street to street, if i put him on a range of hands on the turn, doesn't mean his range is still the same once he overbets river.
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-25-2008 , 09:53 PM
I forgot to ask - why are you betting turn?
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-25-2008 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by Black winter day
Did you read the op? The choise is between a call and a raise, i am obv not folding. And reads can change from street to street, if i put him on a range of hands on the turn, doesn't mean his range is still the same once he overbets river.
read op as that you had 481 left when he bet 400, so i was confused as hell about the call and raise debate as well

GUESS I just got downs, my Bbizzad
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-25-2008 , 09:57 PM
call. the c flop, mini rr turn, big river bet is always a monster from bad players (at least from his point of view)
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-25-2008 , 10:01 PM
and i strongly disagree with your op, i dont think this is ever a busted draw/bluff.
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
07-25-2008 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by Eddi
I forgot to ask - why are you betting turn?
Because once it's checked to me twice i assume i have the best hand and don't want to give free cards to 2 guys with overs + t/5?
Boated on the river, but villain overbets (Nl1000) Quote
