Originally Posted by Lonkaren
Should I bluff here even vs fish? I know that i used a more polarized size repping only a straight but perhaps fish doesn't know that.
This could just be a post to relieve some tilt because I think its pretty standard but would like some opinions anyway.
[QUOTE=ReallyRaphy;53615474]I looked over this hand and as played it seems pretty standard other than changing your bet sizes.
Pre - his 3bet is pretty small considering he's oop. Did you consider a 4bet?
Flop - his 40 is pretty small, I don't hate your call by any means but your range is stronger on this board, a raise might take it down. ??? Also your sets and 2pairs would raise here, you start mixing in combo draws(bluffs) and your actual backdoor outs and you could probably balance this spot pretty easily.
Turn - When he checks this seems like a pretty good spot to overbet. You're not blocking flush draws which seems like a good thing in this spot.
River - sizing seems ok / looks like value so most of his A highs should be able to find a fold.
Interested to hear villains hand..