Okay I just finished running a flop solve and it kind of confirmed what I thought initially. This flop is only bet around 20% of the time with 3/4 sizing.
I notice this in BvB situations a lot. We have these polarizing boards like A-low-low or K-low-low and you'd think they would be bet very often but it is actually the opposite. Since ranges are so wide - it doesn't matter that we have stronger Kx than our opponents because that is only a very small portion of our range (like 30-40 combos out of a possible 650 combos).
I think I'd call with all my Kx
X instead of bluffing those combos - and then use the K
X no heart combos as the bluffs. Not sure if that is how a solver would do it though.
You could be right about the bet sizing just being weakness. I just treat them as checks but is it possible they are even weaker than checks?
Okay I guess the Solver prefers K
7x instead of this combo, so we block some straights as well. And then it calls with K
8x but folds this one. Interesting.
Last edited by DooDooPoker; 10-28-2019 at 05:50 PM.