Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 271
Hey guys, I hope I dont say anything too stupid here, I was trying to figure out how much bb/100 winrate is acceptable at BB and at SB
If we are 6 handed, in 100 hands we see 16,66 orbits. 100/6
In each orbit, if we just fold our blinds, we would than loose:
BB - 16,66bb/100hands
SB - 8,3bbs/100 hands
Total around 25bbs/100 that we loose if we choose to fold all blinds no matter what.
Does this mean, that if we have a winrate lower than -16.66bbs / 100 at BB and -8.33bb / 100 at SB we are just better off not playing that position at all?
Again, I hope this is not a ******ed question.