Should I be betting river for value? I feel like a 9 makes up a lot of his range when he calls the turn..any thoughts on hand? FWIW, i beat him out of 2 pots earlier, within 3 hands (rush poker, only 54 players, so we ran into each other quite easily)... i should be bet folding river?
Turn call scares me, after his turn call I slow down/check behind on the river as I am not calling a shove with that run out and would hate to not get to showdown with my set. I have watched plenty of videos that suggest the bet/fold line is higher ev but I just can't see it in this spot.
I mean what calls you that you beat, other then this clown? I am fairly certain more knowledgeable players will say value bet that ish but man I am scared money in this spot. However I do see the flaws in it, micro players always donk out here with a 9 out of fear of your checking behind. So one more reason to value bet it?
I posted in your other thread, I am learning so take it for what it's worth (not much)