I'm in MP with AQss and a passive player who has demonstrated he can raise early and C/F flops if missed has raised to .20 and I decide to call. I felt like he folded his weaker hands to a raise and was unlikely to call with worse, so seeing a flop and playing post seemed solid. A passive player calls behind and one player in blinds comes along.
UTG - $5ish
Me - $12ish
Button - $3ish
blind(don't remember)
blind checks
UTG leads for .60 into .83 (he obv has top pair or better)
I can't raise for value, but I have too much equity to fold, so I flat.
short guy shoves, other guy calls, making the pot 7.99 and I have 3.50 to call. I may have the stack sizes a little off but the point is it was 3.50 to win $7.99 and I have 44% equity. I made the call but I believe that was a mistake because of the potential redraws for KJ/33 making a full house.
Can anyone help me out with numbers/advice

Last edited by blackluster777; 12-05-2013 at 11:07 PM.