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AQs OOP, deepstack AQs OOP, deepstack

06-08-2019 , 03:07 AM
PokerStars Zoom, Hold'em No Limit - €0.01/€0.02 - 6 players
Replay this hand on Upswing Poker

UTG (Hero): €3.09 (155 bb)
MP: €1.22 (61 bb)
CO: €0.82 (41 bb)
BU: €5.24 (262 bb) (35/27/16/Afg 3/ F4bet 71/cbet flop in3betpot 42/WTSD 31/ over 1K hands)
SB: €1.77 (89 bb)
BB: €2.00 (100 bb)

Pre-Flop: (€0.03) Hero is UTG with A Q
Hero raises to €0.06, MP calls €0.06, 1 fold, BTN 3-bets to €0.24, 2 players fold, Hero calls €0.18, 1 fold

Flop: (€0.57) 7 T 8 (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets €0.24, UTG (Hero) folds

Total pot: €0.57 (Rake: €0.03)
BU wins €0.54

What should I do in this cases?
AQs OOP, deepstack Quote
06-08-2019 , 04:01 AM
Fold flop is fine. If there was a club you could check raise as a bluff and barrel off on a lot of runouts as it's a better board for your range. He will have some snap folds on the flop to a raise and you can probably get him to fold some overpairs on certain turns/rivers. You block AA/QQ so with a club on the flop you just have more equity and can be more aggressive, also your overcards can be live sometimes which is nice. On this board you are probably fine to just check fold flop to be honest.
AQs OOP, deepstack Quote
06-08-2019 , 05:11 AM
interesting spot
we can have a donking range on this texture and if ip bets too much, which is very easy to do, have a wide x/r range. not sure AQ no hearts or spades fits in any of these tho.
x/f is perfectly fine but I can see different ways to play our range and get a solid edge on our opp
AQs OOP, deepstack Quote
06-08-2019 , 05:43 AM
Anything but folding seems pretty bad to me, on the top of my head I can't think of many worse hands we can have except KQs.

Fold bad hands and continue with good hands, it's not rocket science!

You should do a lot of xf and xr to limit villain's positional advantage which is huge on such a dynamic board. Villain should have a +ev bet with atc in this situation.

Last edited by Ojune; 06-08-2019 at 05:54 AM.
AQs OOP, deepstack Quote
06-08-2019 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by Ojune
Villain should have a +ev bet with atc in this situation.
in my understanding, v should x close to range as this texture favors oop
even if oop flats a bit wider than usual because of the fish in mp
AQs OOP, deepstack Quote
06-08-2019 , 06:23 AM
you may be right about villain checking a lot

oop should still "overfold" even with a slight range advantage due to pos disadvantage but maybe this board favors him too much

i don't have pio here so I don't know at what freq villain is supposed to bet
AQs OOP, deepstack Quote
06-08-2019 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by ionutd
in my understanding, v should x close to range as this texture favors oop
even if oop flats a bit wider than usual because of the fish in mp
Villain should do this but in reality would expect villain to bet 100% with his overpairs and a fair amount of his air at nl2z. If he checks I expect OP could bet turn/river and basically get a fold close to 100% of the time as villain won't balance flop checking range with overpairs enough of the time for OP to not punish a flop check.
AQs OOP, deepstack Quote
06-08-2019 , 11:14 AM
Slam dunk fold. We can raise some AJ but never this hand.
AQs OOP, deepstack Quote
