This is in a non-casino, live game. 10-handed. Half whales (I typically make 80BB an hour here).
350 effective against villain. It's 1-1 and he's straddling for 2.
Fairly sure I'm perceived as the best person in this game: thinking and tricky. I'm perhaps 28-18-7 — wider than I'd normally play as action's good.
Villain would be top-3 there in terms of ability — tight pre, either v aggressive or passive post, and doesn't bluff enough OTT/OTR. I've rarely seen him 3b — it's unusual for this game but he knows my game and knows I'm opening wide from CO — 30-35% or so — with nits in the blinds.
I open CO A


to 8.
BTN calls; villain in 2-straddle 3bs to 22. (Range here is 10s+, AJs+, AQo+, with few or no bluffs.)
I call, BTN folds.
Pot — 54
Flop: A


Villain leads for 20. I think for longer than normal and call.
Turn — 94
Board: A




Villain takes v little time and bets 60. Hero?
My concern is mainly what action I can take OTR if I call. Here, I folded, wanting to wait for a better spot.
Would greatly appreciate thoughts on pre and post flop, bearing in mind we're deep here.
Can post villain's hand if anyone's interested.
Last edited by Hermits_FTW; 06-03-2017 at 06:22 AM.