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AQ squeeze facing shove AQ squeeze facing shove

04-28-2014 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by VantACoo-key?
I saw people talking about folding QQ and AK and stuff which is just lol. I'm not even folding TT here.
Well then that's a leak.
AQ squeeze facing shove Quote
04-28-2014 , 05:00 PM
The question that is being raised is whether one should call a shove 100bb deep given that one has 3bet QQ. The answer to that question is: if the shoving range is QQ+,AK then it is incorrect to call.

Whether one should 3bet QQ in the first place given that it will be necessary to fold to a shove is an entirely different question.
AQ squeeze facing shove Quote
04-28-2014 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Yoshimiii
Well then that's a leak.
I doubt it. Stove doesn't work for me but 65BB recs are ripping tons of pairs and **** here ime. Especially if we're active 3betters or he's seen us squeeze ever. I'm more unhappy if he's UTG or something but he opened the CO.
AQ squeeze facing shove Quote
04-28-2014 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Porky Pig
The question that is being raised is whether one should call a shove 100bb deep given that one has 3bet QQ. The answer to that question is: if the shoving range is QQ+,AK then it is incorrect to call.

Whether one should 3bet QQ in the first place given that it will be necessary to fold to a shove is an entirely different question.
It is very uncommon to 4b shove 100bb. And it is way more unlikely that it is AA/KK so it is still a call.

Mostly you 3b/5b with QQ, 3b/f is only best in rare occasions.
AQ squeeze facing shove Quote
04-28-2014 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by tiltshove1
Isn't this a perfect spot for CO to 4bet shove light?
No. There is one caller and one raiser behind. Why would be be 4bet shoving light? When you say light, do you mean JJ+? Because that range still crushes your holding. If you mean lighter than that, I'm assuming he doesn't expect to be called by worse (like do you really think he's shoving 99 here for value?), making it a bluff, and this is a bad spot to 4bet bluff shove, especially when he's betting $16 into $3. He could bluff almost as profitably by 4-betting to something like $8 or 9 and shoving any flop if called, imho
AQ squeeze facing shove Quote
04-29-2014 , 12:38 AM
You're calling $13.17 to win $20.02 so you need like 40% equity to be profitable. Assuming a tight range you're crushed, even against a range of 99+, AJs+, AQo+ you're only at 37.5%. So you'd have to add in a ton of pairs, AJo, something like that to make it close and even then it's marginal.

With QQ though it's a pretty easy call. Against a range of QQ+, AQs+, AKo you have 41%. With JJ you have 38%. With that AQ hand you have 26%. I mean there's definitely a chance he's spewing some because he has only like 60 BB but I think that means you can call JJ, maybe TT even but still hard to get AQ into a call unless we're assuming he does it with all/most pairs or at least one or two worse aces a good part of the time, and we don't have enough info to assume that yet.

Last edited by Y2Dennis; 04-29-2014 at 12:41 AM. Reason: Changed a QQ to AQ, changed a couple poorly worded things because I am sleepy
AQ squeeze facing shove Quote
04-29-2014 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by Yoshimiii
Well then that's a leak.
Do you really wanna talk to people about leaks. Be less of a nit so you can profitably snap call TT and AQ vs a non full buy-in player.
AQ squeeze facing shove Quote
04-29-2014 , 03:11 AM
For sure I like the squeeze. Although you probably don't have many 4bet stats vs. this player, looking at his 3b stat will serve just as well for this situation. With a 3b of 5, he is very tight, and his 4b shove range must be very tight too. You have to have 39.7% equity to call. Vs. his range you do not have that equity. Although villain only has 65bb to start the hand and it seems like a call with no reads, you do have reads and as long as you have 100+ hands on him, I would go by the stats and fold.

If anyone is interested in free coaching for .10/.25 - 2/4 6max, or you just need a friend to go over HHs with, PM me. I've been playing poker full time for a couple years now, I'd be glad to help
AQ squeeze facing shove Quote
04-29-2014 , 05:47 AM
obv call vs random midstacked fish

assuming he jams 99+/AJ+ it's like 2% less than what we need, but very unlikely he'll be jamming that tight
AQ squeeze facing shove Quote
04-29-2014 , 05:53 AM
Originally Posted by Calm Down
obv call vs random midstacked fish
This x1000
AQ squeeze facing shove Quote
04-29-2014 , 10:25 AM
nobody mentioned image, what image do you want to portray, a nit that only will call premiums??? Awesome candidates to shove as bluffs... Lags aren't folding AQ in this situation, hellz no...first of all that weak squeeze would have urged me to shove my bluff hands, A2s-A5s and 65s and T7s.... if squeezed bigger, say like pot, then I'd have to call the shove equity wise....
AQ squeeze facing shove Quote
04-29-2014 , 01:05 PM
lol image
AQ squeeze facing shove Quote
04-29-2014 , 02:22 PM
fold pre you are beat
AQ squeeze facing shove Quote
04-29-2014 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by racenutalways@hotm
nobody mentioned image, what image do you want to portray, a nit that only will call premiums??? Awesome candidates to shove as bluffs... Lags aren't folding AQ in this situation, hellz no...first of all that weak squeeze would have urged me to shove my bluff hands, A2s-A5s and 65s and T7s.... if squeezed bigger, say like pot, then I'd have to call the shove equity wise....
"Weak squeeze??" He made a nearly pot sized re-raise from out of position. That conveys extreme strength. (A pot sized reraise would've been 3.10, he made it 3.)

Of course, the decision changes if we've seen this player 4 betting frequently, or showing down a light 4 bet; i.e. we have some reason to believe he might be bluffing. But with no history, we have to assume he isn't a muppet.

The decision would also change if, for instance, we were on the button and made a half pot reraise - say made it $2.05 to go - and then got shoved over. Although, we also have worse odds in that case (1.38-1), so AQo is pretty close. (If we put his range at TT+, AK, AQs, A2s-A5s, 65s-JTs, 97s-J9s, T7s and J8s; then AQo has 49.6% equity and is a call. It's hard to assume though that he's going to make those bluff raises regularly though. A lot of people like to talk about making light 4 bet shoves at micro stakes, but few really do it - simply because there's way too many donks that will actually call off with AQ.)
AQ squeeze facing shove Quote
04-29-2014 , 07:17 PM
Gotta fold here. Just don't have enough equity.
I give him a range of JJ+, AK, with ˝ combos of TT.
MP2 32.61% 31.30% 1.31% AQo
MP3 67.39% 66.08% 1.31% QQ-JJ, TdTh, TdTs, TdTc, AKs, AKo
AQ squeeze facing shove Quote
04-29-2014 , 09:08 PM
HTF does this thread have 40 replies? ez call.

PS: reported everyone who said otherwise. and russians. and noobs in general. but russians first.
AQ squeeze facing shove Quote
