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AQ 3b hand AQ 3b hand

03-21-2008 , 10:31 PM
400nl; $400 effective
Villain is CO -- 27/18/2
Hero is BU

PF: Hero has AQ:diamond
1 fold, Villain makes it $14, Hero raises to $48, 2 folds, Villain calls

Flop ($102): A98
Villain checks, Hero ...

This is our first 3 bet pot and i think he views me as solid and straight forward (19/16)

He checks to us, is this an auto bet or do you ever consider checking flop and firing turn and river?

Can the really good posters (baluga/xorbie/jfish/big jim/etc ....) who sometimes give short answers that are almost always correct but without much explanation because it is so simple for them - please elaborate to let me know a little more information on your thoughts and reasoning (and any info on manipulation of image to get paid off more or whatever too) if you have time to type it up.

AQ 3b hand Quote
03-21-2008 , 10:57 PM
Do you want any other opinions or just the good ones?

I think you have two options - b, c, b or c, b, b and I think both are called pretty often with mediocre hands (I don't think b, b will really get called with worse except by pretty bad players). I like the first one better as you're c-betting this flop a lot with bluff 3-bets as well.
AQ 3b hand Quote
03-21-2008 , 11:02 PM
just bet
AQ 3b hand Quote
03-21-2008 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by Eddi
Do you want any other opinions or just the good ones?

I think you have two options - b, c, b or c, b, b and I think both are called pretty often with mediocre hands (I don't think b, b will really get called with worse except by pretty bad players). I like the first one better as you're c-betting this flop a lot with bluff 3-bets as well.
Yeah I want others too. Mainly want people to explain rather than assume we know why their line is good.

And yea I hear that idea ("as you're c-betting this flop a lot with bluff 3-bets as well") but I think a lot of people will still fold there (I may be wrong tho cuz reverse implied odds are pretty huge for them and a non-monkey would know about that)
AQ 3b hand Quote
03-23-2008 , 10:44 AM
AQ 3b hand Quote
03-23-2008 , 10:58 AM
As previously said, you should be betting this flop most of the time because you will want to c bet it with air, and with zero history there is no need to get tricky here. With more history and if you would check behind with KK here then you should check this flop some percentage of the time for balance.

As this villain seems fairly happy to call(judging by his large vpip/pfr) I imagine he will peel the flop with almost any hand that you will get a bet out of, and then I think you can check a brick turn to get value on the river.(Although vs an observant villain you may just want to bet turn so that you can 2 barrel sometimes)
AQ 3b hand Quote
03-23-2008 , 11:02 AM
Bet because im pretty sure you bet this flop all the time with air.
AQ 3b hand Quote
03-23-2008 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by JackAll
400nl; $400 effective
Villain is CO -- 27/18/2
Hero is BU

PF: Hero has AQ:diamond
1 fold, Villain makes it $14, Hero raises to $48, 2 folds, Villain calls

Flop ($102): A98
Villain checks, Hero ...

This is our first 3 bet pot and i think he views me as solid and straight forward (19/16)

He checks to us, is this an auto bet or do you ever consider checking flop and firing turn and river?

Can the really good posters (baluga/xorbie/jfish/big jim/etc ....) who sometimes give short answers that are almost always correct but without much explanation because it is so simple for them - please elaborate to let me know a little more information on your thoughts and reasoning (and any info on manipulation of image to get paid off more or whatever too) if you have time to type it up.

This is a flop I will sometimes check in order to:

A) prevent being semi-bluffed and possibly creating a pretty big pot with just top pair and
B) Induce betting from a lesser Ace while keeping the pot smaller.

Yes, there are a few cards that could show up on the turn which will allow the villain to blow us off the possible best hand but I like going for pot control on this flop.
AQ 3b hand Quote
