Another hand against a reg
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 5,656
QT getting tricky is the only hand I see us reeally getting beat here. and thr rare non rr jj.
i bet/fold 7
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 966
This is a situation vs. a reg where I might make a really small "gay" bet as Raptor likes to say in his videos. I think betting something really stupid like $7 make cause a missed draw to go on monkey tilt and induce, while still getting a call from a J. If I make a crazy bet like this, I almost always have to call a raise since I induced it in the first place.
I think betting half pot here looks way to strong vs a reg and I think a PSB will only get called by better.
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 6,930
somebody ban that NhK guy with his gay ass one word spam posts.
I'd definitely bet. The king is a good bluff card. How could you not bet?!?
Also talking about him check raising is dumb. How often is he check raising here? (hint: like never).
I'd call a river check raise btw.