am i dumb to be 4bet/calling with AKo at 25NL?
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 3,077
seems like no one is flatting 4-bets... QQ+ and AKs are shoving, everything else folds.
maybe i just need to do some math? or flat a 3-bet>?
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 5,677
Hmmm, against a full stack I will be calling his 3bet in position. Against someone sitting at the table with $17.20, I will get it in, and I will also 4bet and get it in OOP.
Maybe I will even fold it OOP if it is some guys first 3bet in 50+ hands, but I will get it in against a lag that has 3bet a lot or shown down QQ or worse in a 3bet pot before hand.
Edit: It's very marginal when the money goes in, but I think it is marginally +ev with AKs and marginally -eV with AKo
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 1,524
pretty vague question, i would say that you could flat 3bets IP, and yeah not many ppl will flat 4bets since 100bbs deep that play is awful
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 135
Depends on the villain and position. My general rule of thumb is to flat 3bets in position w/ AK and 4bet/call shove OOP.