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AK vs nonsense line AK vs nonsense line

04-25-2021 , 04:53 PM
Villain is a passive fish. 47/6 checkraise 10

iPoker - €0.20 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

SB: 167.4 BB
BB: 101 BB
UTG: 99 BB
MP: 101 BB
Hero (CO): 100 BB
BTN: 131.25 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has A K

UTG calls 1 BB, fold, Hero raises to 4 BB, fold, fold, BB calls 3 BB, UTG calls 3 BB

Flop: (12.5 BB, 3 players) K T 2
BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets 6 BB, fold, UTG raises to 95 BB,
AK vs nonsense line Quote
04-25-2021 , 05:46 PM
I don't care if we have limper, I 3bet bigger. At least 1.40. Fish could have 2 pair (gotta be careful with fish) or flush/straight draw,, they love to shove with those.

I once lost at 50nl to fish that called with ATC. I entered with AA, he calls with Q5o, and hits two pair on flop. Here, I would call 50%, and fold 50%. But, if we raise big, he might not be in the hand anyways.
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04-25-2021 , 07:06 PM
preflop raise size is fine

fold flop always in this spot unless there is some crazy table dynamic

villains range is pretty much just 22 so may as well fold everything apart from KK or TT and let villain burn their EV

even if you let villains range also contain all combos that have a straight+flush draw you have no where near the right odds to call. (you need around 45% equity but you only have 25% equity)

if you think villains range has all the straight + flush draw (which it probably doesn't) you're better off calling off with a hand like ATc, which even then only just has enough equity to call.

Last edited by GTOJacob; 04-25-2021 at 07:35 PM.
AK vs nonsense line Quote
04-25-2021 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by FutureInsights
I don't care if we have limper, I 3bet bigger. At least 1.40
you raise a limper when ip to 7bb? did you misread the preflop action or something
AK vs nonsense line Quote
04-25-2021 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by GTOJacob
you raise a limper when ip to 7bb? did you misread the preflop action or something
Iso'ing to a really large size can be a decent exploit against recs that limp/call way too much.

But I personally wouldn't go huge with AKo since I don't think we need to inflate the pot with just A high. We can go 4.5 to 5bb and then go from there.
AK vs nonsense line Quote
04-25-2021 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by newguyhere
Iso'ing to a really large size can be a decent exploit against recs that limp/call way too much.

But I personally wouldn't go huge with AKo since I don't think we need to inflate the pot with just A high. We can go 4.5 to 5bb and then go from there.
Yeah I guess thats actually probably a pretty good exploit, but what do you mean 'just A high'?

AKo would be one of the best hands to raise large as an exploit because you benefit from narrowing ranges as it increases the chances of having your opponent dominated whilst also decreasing the spr. ( assuming villain limps some Kx and Ax)
AK vs nonsense line Quote
04-25-2021 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by GTOJacob
Yeah I guess thats actually probably a pretty good exploit, but what do you mean 'just A high'?

AKo would be one of the best hands to raise large as an exploit because you benefit from narrowing ranges as it increases the chances of having your opponent dominated whilst also decreasing the spr. ( assuming villain limps some Kx and Ax)
Because we win the most vs recs by value betting made hands, and occasionally bluffing in the right spots.

Since we'll have to run some bluffs with AK when we don't make a pair (and they do), I would prefer the pot to be on the smaller side so I don't feel obligated to barrel off and get called down by bottom pair.

But since I don't care about balance or worrying about them realizing what my sizings mean, I would iso bigger with AKo than I would with KJs.
AK vs nonsense line Quote
04-25-2021 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by newguyhere
I would prefer the pot to be on the smaller side so I don't feel obligated to barrel off and get called down by bottom pair.
then don't barrel off?
AK vs nonsense line Quote
04-25-2021 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by GTOJacob
then don't barrel off?
That's an option.
AK vs nonsense line Quote
04-26-2021 , 03:43 AM
I folded here without hesitation.
AK vs nonsense line Quote
04-26-2021 , 10:21 AM
fold, take a note, iso bigger (5bb is where im starting) vs this player when limps and move on. gg.
AK vs nonsense line Quote
04-26-2021 , 04:32 PM
You get away with this once against me. Once.
AK vs nonsense line Quote
04-27-2021 , 05:46 PM
Passive fish who check raises huge out of nowhere makes an easy fold. Im wondering about flop sizing, shouldn't we bet more like 3/4 here?
AK vs nonsense line Quote
04-28-2021 , 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by YanasaurBBQ
Passive fish who check raises huge out of nowhere makes an easy fold. Im wondering about flop sizing, shouldn't we bet more like 3/4 here?
nah, We are IP with TPTK. I would keep his calling range as wide as possible.
AK vs nonsense line Quote
04-28-2021 , 04:33 AM
Originally Posted by LovemyAK
nah, We are IP with TPTK. I would keep his calling range as wide as possible.
I’m not sure sizing down vs fish changes their calling range much since they’re probably going to be too inelastic to bet sizing

However this is a multi-way pot so 3/4 is probably too big
AK vs nonsense line Quote
04-28-2021 , 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by Koss
You get away with this once against me. Once.
This. You're going to see plenty of random bluffs here, some high equity bluffs as well. This isn't as "obvious snap fold" as it seems
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04-29-2021 , 04:20 AM
I would fold. But after couple seconds.
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04-29-2021 , 12:27 PM
happy dance and snap
iso bigger
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04-29-2021 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by ionutd
happy dance and snap
iso bigger
Yeah. I don't think this is all that strong. Snap call.
AK vs nonsense line Quote
