Villain 60/21/6.3
Full Tilt Poker $0.05/$0.10 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official
2+2 Hand Converter
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BB: $2.70
UTG: $10.00
MP: $8.46
CO: $10.02
BTN: $10.00
Hero (SB): $10.74
Pre Flop: ($0.15) Hero is SB with A

1 fold,
MP raises to $0.20,
2 folds,
Hero raises to $0.70,
1 fold, MP calls $0.50
Flop: ($1.50) A


(2 players)
Hero bets $1.20,
MP raises to $3.50,
Hero raises to $10.04 all in, MP calls $4.26 all in
Turn: ($17.02) 3
(2 players - 2 are all in)
River: ($17.02) 3
(2 players - 2 are all in)
Did i play the hand properly? My preflop reraise should have been bigger? Do you think i should just call his reraise postflop or shove like i did?