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AK in 3b pot turns big draw AK in 3b pot turns big draw

02-24-2010 , 05:29 PM
$400.00 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players

Hero (UTG): $580.20
MP: $417.10
CO: $400.00
BTN: $204.50
SB: $577.10
BB: $518.50

Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is UTG with A K
Hero raises to $16, 4 folds, BB raises to $56, Hero calls $40

Flop: ($114.00) T 3 6 (2 players)
BB bets $64.00, Hero calls $64

Turn: ($242.00) J (2 players)
BB bets $120.00

Villain is a pretty aggro reg, 3bets lots of buttons and smallblinds. Haven't seen him 3betting UTG raises so far. It feels like he likes to go to showdown in single raised pots and also likes to barrel (I dont know about 3b pots).

thoughts about every street are welcome. please don't post stuff like '4bet pre, you have an ace and a king', explain yourself why. thanks.
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
02-24-2010 , 05:32 PM
I probably fold the flop, but that may be nitty.

What a great turn card for you -- I'd probably just call here tho and fold unimproved on the river.
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
02-24-2010 , 05:35 PM
Baluga said this a lot: If he thinks, villain won't 5b jam light, he often times calls AK vs a 3b in position and floats almost every flop, except for Qhi and obv ****ty flops, because villain is gonna barrel every A and K and is unlikely to barrel us w/o a scardcard, so we can take the pot away pretty easily or just check down our A hi.

Yes, what a great card, indeed. Do we have enough FE to shove or should we call?

edit: oh, you just edited.

Last edited by gorlom; 02-24-2010 at 05:48 PM.
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
02-24-2010 , 07:45 PM
how likely is he to triple off with a bluff? if there's a good chance you are folding the best hand on the river I would shove now. Like would he shove 98 on blanks/how comfortable are you calling shoves on a K/A?
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
02-25-2010 , 02:52 AM
What gives with Villain's weak betting? He's half potting it almost like he's afraid to put money in the pot.
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
02-25-2010 , 02:55 AM
why would he bet bigger? I dont see any reason to.

internet, Im not sure how likely he's gonna 3barrel and I think I would fold to a shove on a K and call an A. Does that make sense?
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
02-25-2010 , 03:38 AM
call. c/f river ui.

he 3bet ur utg raise...and 2 barreled. i thought his sizing is a lil inducing...does he give up bluffing on the river?
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
02-25-2010 , 04:24 AM
I think if you flat that flop you must suppose that your equity is good enough against his range. It means that in your eyes he must have a reasonable amount of semi-bluff hands preflop or stuff like AJ, AQ, KQ. If that's true turn card is good for agro opponent to barrel it again and I expect him to fire the river often cuz your hand doesn't look that strong, so I'd just shove it and wouldn't let him barrel me of better hand on the river.

Last edited by zorgan; 02-25-2010 at 04:29 AM.
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
03-03-2010 , 05:54 AM

The best time to get him off his hand is now. Your small fold equity, plus your chances of hitting your draw, plus the times you bet him off a chop or worse hand (which you wont call a river bet w), should move you close to 0ev. Shoving maintains an aggressive image, and thwarts people trying to outplay your UTG raise.

If you float the flop why not shove here.
Id expect him to fold AK 99 88 AQ A10 and other worse hands and call AA KK QQ JJ 1010 AJ.
You are representing a very big hand with a shove here JJ 1010 AA KK. His under bet sizing is either trapping you, or showing some weakness so take advantage of his stack being 278. Against a smaller stack things would be worse.
Expect to get called alot imo hes strong. Float w/turn card = aggressive shove.
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
03-03-2010 , 07:19 AM
I used to shove here, but not anymore. When he barrels the turn, he always does it with equity. This is the kind of spot where he'll play straightfoward on a lot of rivers, so I like a call here. Obv call river bet if you improve, and shove if he checks to you and you go UI
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
03-03-2010 , 07:27 AM
I ship the turn here, we have a lot of Foldequity I suppose
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
03-03-2010 , 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by alewis21
I used to shove here, but not anymore. When he barrels the turn, he always does it with equity. This is the kind of spot where he'll play straightfoward on a lot of rivers, so I like a call here. Obv call river bet if you improve, and shove if he checks to you and you go UI
exactly the same thoughts + 1
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
03-03-2010 , 09:32 AM
yeah i think without much history callin should be best but it really depends on images, gameflow and his 2nd barrel stats but in this scenerio flatting should be best.
what do u do if the villain checks like a 2 on the river?
jam or just check behind to split most of the time or win against AQ?
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
03-03-2010 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by heinz spack
yeah i think without much history callin should be best but it really depends on images, gameflow and his 2nd barrel stats but in this scenerio flatting should be best.
what do u do if the villain checks like a 2 on the river?
jam or just check behind to split most of the time or win against AQ?
he wont have AQ here very often imo
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
03-03-2010 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by alewis21
I used to shove here, but not anymore. When he barrels the turn, he always does it with equity. This is the kind of spot where he'll play straightfoward on a lot of rivers, so I like a call here. Obv call river bet if you improve, and shove if he checks to you and you go UI
What if we call, miss the river and villain shoves? Do you think he does this so rarely as a bluff that we don't have to care about this situation?
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
03-03-2010 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by adamx001
What if we call, miss the river and villain shoves? Do you think he does this so rarely as a bluff that we don't have to care about this situation?
i somewhat doubt he is bluff shoving the river once we call twice here.
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
03-03-2010 , 04:24 PM
If hes barreling enough in 3b pots i just jam here.
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
03-03-2010 , 04:53 PM
I would probably 4 bet get it in against a very aggressive opponent preflop to stay away from sticky situations and maintain an aggressive image like Downer said.
As played, I think I fold the flop as you originally seemed to not 4 bet because you're not sure how light he 3 bet utg raises. What changed?
As far as the turn goes, I think I shove as you are ahead of AQ, KQ, AK, weaker flush draws and random air (althought unlikely), and you do have fold equity against his weaker pairs.
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
03-03-2010 , 05:43 PM
agree with call and fold river unimproved

not very likely he bluffs rivers imo
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
03-03-2010 , 06:22 PM
alewis touched on the important part.

ill add that most playes on that board probably assume youre calling most rivers when you call the turn and wont barrel air very often. also consider calling is good given the fact he could be DB dominated draws.
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
03-03-2010 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by alewis21
I used to shove here, but not anymore. When he barrels the turn, he always does it with equity. This is the kind of spot where he'll play straightfoward on a lot of rivers, so I like a call here. Obv call river bet if you improve, and shove if he checks to you and you go UI
That was my second best line here. Call and then ship if checked to. Even though I do think he is betting with equity here most times, I still like shove a litttle better due to FE and aggression.

Also if he is bluffing the pot is too big by now i doubt he gives up on river and just shoves as a last effort.
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
03-04-2010 , 12:12 AM
I think your call on the flop generally represents a set or an overpair, since his 3 betting range is fairly balanced he will either show up with air or an over pair. Shoving the turn is probably the best option as it give the villain fold equity and depending on his hand reading ability he may lay down q's-a's.
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
03-04-2010 , 08:52 AM
the call then ship if checked to line is horrendous, give us a value range we would ship with that plays like this. errrrrr nope didnt think so.

shove the mofo turn, its deffo best.
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
03-19-2010 , 11:56 PM
I like the turn shove more.
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
03-20-2010 , 08:50 AM
shove is way better here imo, you could make big mistakes on the river, fold off chops/hands with some equity, get it in vs dominated draws, etc.
AK in 3b pot turns big draw Quote
