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AK 3 way AK 3 way

12-05-2015 , 01:45 PM

so 3 years since my last hand here. I never was a great player but after 3 years of no poker I'm a lot worse. One of the main problems is my confidence, of course. Anyway, don't be too mean...

Only 80 hands on UTG, seems tight 14/13/1. raised 3 out of 9 hands from EP.
BB is an 80/2 fish

What is the plan for the rest of the hand?

[converted_hand][hand_history]Poker Stars, $0.02/$0.05 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #37183991

CO: $7.78 (155.6 bb)
BTN: $4.69 (93.8 bb)
SB: $4.25 (85 bb)
BB: $6.77 (135.4 bb)
UTG: $17.84 (356.8 bb)
Hero (MP): $8.36 (167.2 bb)

Preflop: Hero is MP with K A
UTG raises to $0.17, Hero raises to $0.50, 3 folds, BB calls $0.45, UTG calls $0.33

Flop: ($1.52) Q K J (3 players)
BB checks, UTG bets $0.96,

Last edited by vipeldeu; 12-05-2015 at 01:51 PM.
AK 3 way Quote
12-06-2015 , 04:42 AM
No thoughts?
AK 3 way Quote
12-06-2015 , 05:16 AM
Prob just nit folding here, expecting to be up against sets. No BDFD either.
AK 3 way Quote
12-06-2015 , 08:59 AM
Yeah pretty foul but if we're calling flop it's to fold turn thinking we should have folded flop. Flatting pre could be good vs nit, I'd flat pre.
AK 3 way Quote
12-06-2015 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by tomj
Yeah pretty foul but if we're calling flop it's to fold turn thinking we should have folded flop. Flatting pre could be good vs nit, I'd flat pre.
With the fish in the BB? Don't we won't to play AKo against one villain?
AK 3 way Quote
12-06-2015 , 11:30 AM
If we're isoing then I guess he might cold call our 3bet this is true, but he might also muck K7 and stuff, actually probably not with 80 vpip, so yeah wp.
AK 3 way Quote
12-06-2015 , 01:21 PM
I really don't think this is an obvious fold here. Plugging his value range of JJ+, AKs, AKo, KQs, KQo, KJs, KJo, QJs, and QJo into pokerstove against our range on the flop we have about 32% equity. He's making us put in $.96 into the pot to win $3.44 which means we have to be good about 27% of the time to break even and we're a little more than that.

Analyzing this further I think your equity here is actually a little higher because I think a lot of premium PPs might have 4B rather than just flatcall multiway. Maybe JJ will just flat call. When players donk out like this I feel their range is often capped as well. They are often afraid of draws and want to start getting value from the hand right now. I think the A10 nuts would just prefer to slow play this.

Given that his range is less weighted towards sets and he looks afraid of draws I would feel that although it is marginal, it is worth calling at least one street of action. If blank comes and he bets out again you're probably right to fold. If another spade comes he may just give up. Your range is pretty uncapped since you haven't acted yet so you could bluff and take the pot away there. You might also draw out to another A, K or 10 which would give you a good position to call another bet.
AK 3 way Quote
