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11-02-2011 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by PumaPerez
i will lean towards to call against this kind of player. pretty much often we are here against JJ+, whole range of heart overcards. maybe even 77.
oh, i am idiot. i misread this whole hand. we are 160bb deep and got ace of hearts. so i actually lean to fold this.
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11-02-2011 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by SCF
You think he's overbet shoving 66 here? Why is QQ (or KK) overbet shoving (what worse hands can he expect to call?

Bad players will shove 66 here and i dont expect it alot i said you can sometimes expect 66 here his most likley holdings are some draws and hands like kk QQ jj 77

You ask why he would shove qq kk jj, i ask why would he shove sets. I expect to be a favourite in this spot and for me its an easy call id make at this stake 100% of the time in this spot.

In responce to why he would shove QQ kk here like this, is that he's awfull at poker he thinks he has the best hand but is terrified of the board and dosnt have a clue what to do on later streets if he plays it anyother way.

Reasons for shoving jj 77 like this, again because he's awfull at poker a fish thinks : fold equity if called i have outs.

reasons for him to shove a set here like this ? none that i can think of even fish can put people on over pairs when theve been 3 bet so unlikley to make such a large reraise and lose his customer.

And i certainly dont give a fish credit for taking a weird line with a set to look bluffy.
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