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After 140k hands this year at 2NL my red line is positive (higher than my actual winnings) and After 140k hands this year at 2NL my red line is positive (higher than my actual winnings) and

10-12-2015 , 01:02 PM
I tend to call a lot of bets in position on the flop. I read Ed millers 1% and it really opened my eyes to playing with frequencies instead of hand values etc.

Not sure if I should be playing this way at the micros, since a frequency based strategy is useful against opponents who notice imbalanced ranges, folds etc. All I know is I make it to the turn 70 percent of the time lol.
After 140k hands this year at 2NL my red line is positive (higher than my actual winnings) and Quote
10-12-2015 , 01:22 PM
If they cbet to much and check/fold the turn its o.k. but 30% fold is to less esp on many boards you have to fold but if you call flops and fold turns its also not good for your redline, where do the win come from.
Filter for preflop 3bet please and how can you compensate the big BB Noshodownloss so good.

Ed Miller surely didnt say, that you should call on a flop that hits your opponents range like hell without Equity.
Do you often bluffraise on turn ?

I have some leaks there somewhere with the redlne i loose 10 bb /100 and i think it should be like 6-8 bb/100 without bluffraising weak tights etc pp, just from not playing to passive etc pp, but look at my blueline lol, i sucked quite a bit last time, but i ran bad.
Thats why im wondered so much, even if you do like this or that, i just cant believe how you can this line,i have to say that this negative redline is mostly from fast games at nl5 and no stats and so on and my BB calls without enouph playback, but mostly its just because they have the better hand and i fold this simple.
This is why i said i could learn something from you, not that i want to have this line but i would like to have a better one.

Last edited by philkill; 10-12-2015 at 01:32 PM.
After 140k hands this year at 2NL my red line is positive (higher than my actual winnings) and Quote
10-12-2015 , 01:54 PM
One of the reasons why red line is up and green could be improved is in valuebeting river.

Sometimes happens that player valuebets 3times too thin, with hands that dont have 3streets value. It might slightly decrease winrate because many hands work better as bluffcatcher, when we valuebet them we are loosing value from villains bluffs and paying more to his strong hands. Most often this happens oop and with misssed draws on the board.
Duno whether it is your case, just check in your database.
After 140k hands this year at 2NL my red line is positive (higher than my actual winnings) and Quote
10-12-2015 , 03:08 PM
You are 3-betting too much at 2nl, you can table select so much better and put yourself in a position where you do not need to be 3-betting almost at all. And when you c-bet and get called and you do not have at least top pair you should be checking it, there is no need to be double barrel semi-bluffing with worse.

Your river c-bet is 50% which explains why your red line is so high, you are getting players to fold on the river but that is not what your aim should not be to get people to fold on the river at 2nl if you are betting. At 2nl you should be focusing on getting 3 streets of solid value from the fish and getting to showdown. Your fold to c-bet is low, if you are calling you are doing this with big aces and pocket pairs, start cutting out the suited connectors and random Kx hands and lower two-gappers, they do not do you any good. This would lead you to calling too many hands on the turn and justifying poor river calls as well. Just some things I noticed.
After 140k hands this year at 2NL my red line is positive (higher than my actual winnings) and Quote
10-12-2015 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by philkill
If they cbet to much and check/fold the turn its o.k. but 30% fold is to less esp on many boards you have to fold but if you call flops and fold turns its also not good for your redline, where do the win come from.
Filter for preflop 3bet please and how can you compensate the big BB Noshodownloss so good.

Ed Miller surely didnt say, that you should call on a flop that hits your opponents range like hell without Equity.
Do you often bluffraise on turn ?

I have some leaks there somewhere with the redlne i loose 10 bb /100 and i think it should be like 6-8 bb/100 without bluffraising weak tights etc pp, just from not playing to passive etc pp, but look at my blueline lol, i sucked quite a bit last time, but i ran bad.
Thats why im wondered so much, even if you do like this or that, i just cant believe how you can this line,i have to say that this negative redline is mostly from fast games at nl5 and no stats and so on and my BB calls without enouph playback, but mostly its just because they have the better hand and i fold this simple.
This is why i said i could learn something from you, not that i want to have this line but i would like to have a better one.

The book I'm referring to puts an emphasis on less about what your opponent has and more about playing in a way you can't be exploited. It stresses calling/betting around 70 percent of your hands on the flop turn river. You should really check it out - send me a PM with ur email.

Like I said, it's probably completely wrong to play like that at this level. I also know I had major tilt issues in the beginning which probably contributed to me staying in hands I should've maybe folded.

Thanks guys, really appreciate the comments and analysis.
After 140k hands this year at 2NL my red line is positive (higher than my actual winnings) and Quote
10-12-2015 , 04:08 PM
If you want to play GTO you should play higher, also i dont think you really play GTO in all situations.
If you play nl2 your main focus should be to get as much value as you can from fishes, beeing not exploitable at nl2 is meaningless.
Nobody knows who well reallly GTO play performance against opponents dont care about, but if you know playing GTO your winrate shouldnt fall if you climg stakes as it would normally the case, just because your missed value from exploitive game become less if opponents play better.
Also there is no solution for no limit holdem yet, only in push or fold or at river, so i cant say how much you will make with playing perfectly unexploitable at nl2 without any adjustments to the opponents, i dont think it is a huge winrate because of the rake, but at higher stakes it will not drop that much.
This topic is so difficult i dont think any human can really play GTO, perhaps near, but never perfect, HU Limit is kind of solved but No limit deep never.
After 140k hands this year at 2NL my red line is positive (higher than my actual winnings) and Quote
10-14-2015 , 04:19 AM
Intresting. I play 5NL Zoom on PS and my red line is or -5BB/100 or stable. I never thought it could be positive. But how can you see if your red line is going to fast down?
After 140k hands this year at 2NL my red line is positive (higher than my actual winnings) and Quote
