Advice on a difficult situation for me?
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 6
I seem to have a problem with the following situations. Suppose I have a medium pair (88 to JJ) and I raise and get one caller. Flop comes with either all undercards or one over card. No real draws. I almost always will be the flop. Other player (in position) calls. (I have no reads). Next card comes which does not improve me and does not really help the board. I typically bet here again. I am just not sure if I am beat here. I feel that if I check, the other guy will bet and I will have to fold. So, I try to take the lead and bet. But, if he calls, the same problem arises on the the river.
Any advice on how to play this sitaution??? If find that I sometimes bet each street and get called down with a better hand. Here is an example, I get dealt 99. Flop comes 2, 5, j rainbow. I bet 3/4 pot, and it gets called. Fourth street is a 7. I bet again and get called. River is a 2. I bet again, get called and villain has a j 8. Any suggestions on how better to play this type of hand???
Join Date: Nov 2007
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I suggest you read the COTW on Cbetting.
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 64
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Its going to be really villain dependent. If you raise in EP and an 8/6 setmining nit with a high f2cbet flats your flop cbet, it is going to be a set like 95% of the time. You can c/f almost all turns. But if it is a bit of a looser player, they might float the flop with overs or a smaller PP. So you can then check to control the size of the pot and induce a bluff. If villain floats with overs, and you check the turn, they are almost always going to try to steal the pot.