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AA on wet flop turned bluff AA on wet flop turned bluff

03-29-2018 , 03:14 PM
4 handed @ 6max table 5nl
Hero UTG: AhAs

Hero raises to 0.15
BTN calls 0.15
SB folds
BB calls 0.15

Pot 0.45
Flop - 8s9c7d
Hero bets 0.35
BTN calls 0.35
BB folds

Pot - 1.12
Turn Qc
Hero bet 0.87
Btn calls 0.87

Pot - 2.78
River Td
Hero bets 0.60
btn folds

In hindsight I just feel like this is a massive spew.

Bet river because i had a lot invested in the pot and was sure I had the worst hand.
I think I played the flop/turn badly as the flop hits Vills range way better than ours.
AA on wet flop turned bluff Quote
03-29-2018 , 03:31 PM
I think you should be checking on the flop on this board texture with 2 opponents, and then on the turn/river as well, with the intent to call a BTN bet on the flop/turn and likely fold to a river bet. One pair is not incredibly strong here. Play large pots/3 streets with strong hands.
AA on wet flop turned bluff Quote
03-29-2018 , 03:53 PM
I'd also check flop, but I have no idea what you're doing on the river. He doesn't call much worse and he doesn't fold anything better. It's okay to c/f.
AA on wet flop turned bluff Quote
03-29-2018 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by JamesBJames
I'd also check flop, but I have no idea what you're doing on the river. He doesn't call much worse and he doesn't fold anything better. It's okay to c/f.
These spots puzzle me. I agree that it's a check, presumably a call to most bets from villain but what is the plan on the turn? Do we remain in x/c mode to keep his range wider? Do we find a fold on the turn unimproved? Donking seems absurd, what do you think our plan is in this spot?
AA on wet flop turned bluff Quote
03-29-2018 , 05:34 PM
check/call flop
its not a hand u should be bluffing with otr and if you do bet much bigger, you're repping a str8

Last edited by Ojune; 03-29-2018 at 05:41 PM.
AA on wet flop turned bluff Quote
03-30-2018 , 06:25 AM
Originally Posted by Feldheimer1
These spots puzzle me. I agree that it's a check, presumably a call to most bets from villain but what is the plan on the turn? Do we remain in x/c mode to keep his range wider? Do we find a fold on the turn unimproved? Donking seems absurd, what do you think our plan is in this spot?
Probably yes ott , we check call as we got SDV and want to win the pot without inflating it more by betting and risking facing a raise (a fold for us then)
AA on wet flop turned bluff Quote
03-30-2018 , 07:15 AM
LOL at checking flop. Lots of weak, scared poker being advocated here imo.

Hand is fine until the river. I'm c/c most bets vs aggro villains capable of bluffing here and c/f vs tighter ones. You must check though. What were you trying to accomplish with that tiny bet?

Last edited by RichGangi; 03-30-2018 at 07:28 AM.
AA on wet flop turned bluff Quote
03-30-2018 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by RichGangi
LOL at checking flop. Lots of weak, scared poker being advocated here imo.

Hand is fine until the river. I'm c/c most bets vs aggro villains capable of bluffing here and c/f vs tighter ones. You must check though. What were you trying to accomplish with that tiny bet?
... so you are agreeing that we should play weak, scared poker in this spot?
AA on wet flop turned bluff Quote
03-30-2018 , 07:42 AM
No, I am not. Checking flop/turn would be weak, scared poker. Checking the river is just logical. Obv if villain is a drooler capable of calling with worse I'll vb, but most are not that awful on super wet boards. Please, share your thoughts.....
AA on wet flop turned bluff Quote
03-30-2018 , 08:19 AM
What does weak poker means anyway? I thought we left that concept behind along with most 2008 poker type of thinking.

I don't think we should be check/calling river vs a big bet, our hand is pretty bad at that point and we don't have any blockers to vil value range.

I also fail to see how we can ever valuebet the river. Doesn't matter that villain is capable of calling with worse, he doesn't have enough worse hands in his range to begin with.
AA on wet flop turned bluff Quote
03-30-2018 , 08:28 AM
Wow. Looks like posting in this forum was an exercise in futility. Krispy Lanetta, I'm here for you. Everyone else, I wish you the best of luck in your respective games.
AA on wet flop turned bluff Quote
03-30-2018 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by RichGangi
No, I am not. Checking flop/turn would be weak, scared poker. Checking the river is just logical. Obv if villain is a drooler capable of calling with worse I'll vb, but most are not that awful on super wet boards. Please, share your thoughts.....
Ok. To me I don't hate the flop check because this board hits him more than us. Yes, we're going to have the better hand a lot of the time but it's also a situation where most hands are going to continue on A LOT of turn cards with decent equity even against our hand. So many Button flatting hands will like this flop. Ideally we want a complete brick on the turn. I think the Q is not the worst card to fall, certainly not the best though. The river, yes, I think a x is fine too.
AA on wet flop turned bluff Quote
03-30-2018 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by RichGangi
Everyone else, I wish you the best of luck in your respective games.
Thanks, you too.

Originally Posted by Feldheimer1
Ok. To me I don't hate the flop check because this board hits him more than us.
It's not only about that. We want to keep the pot as small as possible and overfold flop because a big part of our range will have to surrender its equity should the turn/river connects with the board. Being OOP on such dynamic board is extremely disadvantageous as villain can check back his bluffcatchers and bet a polarized range into your bluffcatchers.
AA on wet flop turned bluff Quote
03-30-2018 , 09:37 AM
It's not only about that. We want to keep the pot as small as possible and overfold flop because a big part of our range will have to surrender its equity should the turn/river connects with the board. Being OOP on such dynamic board is extremely disadvantageous as villain can check back his bluffcatchers and bet a polarized range into your bluffcatchers.[/QUOTE]

I understand that, it's why I talked about receiving further action in a pot on such a volatile board. It's tough to define our standing vs opponent and checking is allowing us more flexibility.
AA on wet flop turned bluff Quote
