Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 111
.02/.05 on Bovada Zoom. 50bb effective stacks.
I have As,Ad in LP. I raise 3X. SB and BB call. Three to the flop: 6c-7c-3s.
BB leads into me with a pot sized bet. I call. SB folds. Turn is the Ts. BB shoves ($1.60 into a $1.80 pot). I call. He has 54 for a straight.
I should have folded, right? He possibly could have had a very strong draw (which might've improved on the turn), or a worse over pair (which probably would've raised preflop); but it seems like the two-pair, set, and flopped straight combos were more numerous. I probably should have laid down my aces on the turn, right?