Since the beginning of August, I was deal AA 53 times, in which I won 86.79% of the time, with 773 BB/100 and C Won of 369.03. These include pots smaller than 10 BB
Now it get weird. Since August 15 I was dealt pocket bullets 18 times, I have won 14 (77.78%) for a net profit of -125.20. In case you've missed it, it's minus 125 or NEGATIVE 695 BB/100.
On the 15th, I won 5 small pots (3 was folted to me, one I 3B, Villain folded, and one for 15BB). I was stacked on a 4B flop vs JJ on a J66 flop. In case someone wonders if I should fold, there's 54BB Preflop, 76 to go on an almost impossible 6 on Villain's range.
On the 16th I win 104BB, being dealt AA 9 times, only playing once for big stacks, getting lucky OTR vs opponent's flopped set (88) on a K83tt.
The one that hurt the most I
won 3.12 multiway. A Reg OR 2, I (98BB) 3bet 8, a WHALE (53BB) calls, REG 4bet 24, I 5bet 60, WHALE undershoves 43, reg JAMS. WHALE 65o (OFF
K42r Turn ? You f**** guessed it. The biggest
3 of the planet and we're drawing dead. I win sidepot while WHALE collects his 144 BB and leaves the table.
On the 17th, I won one small pot, lost another to QQ, villain's flopped set as well in a multiway pot with a Flush Draw.
Just today REG OR 3, I make it 10, BB overcalls with 55 (53BB), reg ****ing folds. Flop
J64tt as dry as an 80 yo cant. I bet 13 into 24. Turn 7, we gii and a ****ing 3 rolls on the river.
The fish? Left table before I could count from 3 to 7 to realize he had a straight.
A lot of the hands were lost vs ~50 stacks, most of the time there were flush-draws, a Q or a K which makes it playing for (their) stack the right move almost immediatedly. In others, I'd been battering some villain enough for them to call my 4bets and they always make a set OT
Maybe I'll just fold these marginal hands Preflop, live a happier life.
On a serious note, I'll post some the winning and the losing ones, w/o results, see if I could've gotten away. I Think I'm overplaying them. At the same rate, pot is being built preflop a lot.