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AA- Did I play this wrong? AA- Did I play this wrong?

04-13-2011 , 12:34 AM
No reads on villian. Only 14 hands with him.

    Full Tilt, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #8973162

    BB: $25.42 (101.7 bb)
    UTG: $75.28 (301.1 bb)
    MP: $31.83 (127.3 bb)
    CO: $32.25 (129 bb)
    BTN: $30.23 (120.9 bb)
    Hero (SB): $24.40 (97.6 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is SB with A A
    4 folds, Hero raises to $0.75, BB calls $0.50

    Flop: ($1.50) 5 T 3 (2 players)
    Hero bets $1, BB raises to $2.25, Hero calls $1.25

    Turn: ($6) 4 (2 players)
    Hero checks, BB bets $3.25, Hero calls $3.25

    River: ($12.50) 9 (2 players)
    Hero checks, BB bets $9.95, Hero calls $9.95

    Results: $32.40 pot ($1.62 rake)
    Final Board: 5 T 3 4 9
    BB showed 9 T and won $30.78 ($14.58 net)
    Hero mucked A A and lost (-$16.20 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
    AA- Did I play this wrong? Quote
    04-13-2011 , 12:38 AM
    I'd reraise flop.
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    04-13-2011 , 12:40 AM
    Yea. Damn. I play passive because I get way to scared. It ends up killing me.

    I also wanted to try and extract "maximum value" from the hand and did not want him to fold on the flop.
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    04-13-2011 , 12:41 AM
    Bet more pf. Reraise flop. Also, what value are you getting by check/calling the turn and river? Put him on a hand...
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    04-13-2011 , 12:44 AM
    It's ok imo, maybe I would repop it on flop or turn. SBvBB you're going to finds tunds of people barreling or vbetting thin.
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    04-13-2011 , 12:45 AM
    Originally Posted by Giantsbran
    Yea. Damn. I play passive because I get way to scared. It ends up killing me.

    I also wanted to try and extract "maximum value" from the hand and did not want him to fold on the flop.
    i have learned the hard way, way to many times slowplaying aces, for "maximum value". especially from the blinds, because i want a call. i think you should have re-poped him on the flop.
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    04-13-2011 , 12:48 AM
    I was afraid he would reraise turn, I wanted to keep the pot small. Sounds pathetic but just telling the truth.
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    04-13-2011 , 01:49 AM
    Originally Posted by mat_ryan
    i have learned the hard way, way to many times slowplaying aces, for "maximum value". especially from the blinds, because i want a call. i think you should have re-poped him on the flop.
    Yea. I have to stop doing it. I do it with alot of top pair type hands and it always gets me into trouble.
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    04-13-2011 , 01:53 AM
    get it in on the flop
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    04-13-2011 , 02:03 AM
    On the flop, think about what youre going to do on the turn. Do you really want to lose initiative by checking most turn cards? On this flop, not likely....youre not going to want to give a free card on the turn. So...if youre not going to check the turn, raise the flop.

    Yes...I know you did check the flop, but that is a fairly repulsive card that hits his combo draws, though I would still bet it in a single raised pot. In a 3 bet pot Id be much more cautious about betting the turn.
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    04-13-2011 , 02:09 AM
    Originally Posted by Giantsbran
    No reads on villian. Only 14 hands with him.

      Full Tilt, $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players
      Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #8973162

      BB: $25.42 (101.7 bb)
      UTG: $75.28 (301.1 bb)
      MP: $31.83 (127.3 bb)
      CO: $32.25 (129 bb)
      BTN: $30.23 (120.9 bb)
      Hero (SB): $24.40 (97.6 bb)

      Preflop: Hero is SB with A A
      4 folds, Hero raises to $0.75, BB calls $0.50

      Flop: ($1.50) 5 T 3 (2 players)
      Hero bets $1, BB raises to $2.25, Hero calls $1.25

      Turn: ($6) 4 (2 players)
      Hero checks, BB bets $3.25, Hero calls $3.25

      River: ($12.50) 9 (2 players)
      Hero checks, BB bets $9.95, Hero calls $9.95

      Results: $32.40 pot ($1.62 rake)
      Final Board: 5 T 3 4 9
      BB showed 9 T and won $30.78 ($14.58 net)
      Hero mucked A A and lost (-$16.20 net)

      Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
      villain cant raise flop with the NFD since hero has the Ace of hearts. we have no idea if he raises hands like KQh on the flop.

      I like a flop call because we have the backdoor NFD.

      turn is close but I fold river for sure

      without further reads we should give an unknown credit in this spot.

      raise - bet - bet = strong.
      AA- Did I play this wrong? Quote
      04-13-2011 , 02:31 AM
      Blind vs blind on a flop that looks a bit a bit bull so he could stack off with a 10 or a flush draw and we only lose to sets. 3bet and get it in.
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      04-13-2011 , 02:32 AM
      As played im checking turn and calling as you did... then checking and folding to the river bet... gotta figure your beat come the river.. that doesnt look like a bluff but more of a value bet.. as someone else said try to put him on a hand

      Personally i would either played exactly the same but fold on the river or 3bet him on the flop... then if he calls fire once more on turn.. if he calls that im letting the hand go and check/folding.
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      04-13-2011 , 02:36 AM
      Originally Posted by oldskool87
      As played im checking turn and calling as you did... then checking and folding to the river bet... gotta figure your beat come the river.. that doesnt look like a bluff but more of a value bet.. as someone else said try to put him on a hand
      No. As played snap call river.

      The entire idea of "put him on a hand" is wrong. Put him on a RANGE of hands. If you think 10x is in that range then it is right to call the river because 109 is but a small part of that range.
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      04-13-2011 , 02:49 AM
      Originally Posted by uke_master
      No. As played snap call river.

      The entire idea of "put him on a hand" is wrong. Put him on a RANGE of hands. If you think 10x is in that range then it is right to call the river because 109 is but a small part of that range.

      If we're calling the turn it's because we think he can barrel with draws or top pair hands. The river is pretty much a blank (sure he had T9 this time but that's a miniscule part of his range so barely changes anything) so there's no way we should c/f after calling the turn.

      Personally BvB on a drawy board I'm pretty happy reraising the flop and getting it in. Playing this passive sort of sucks but folding that river after calling the turn's just burning money.
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      04-13-2011 , 03:09 AM
      For that which says, that hero should re-raise flop :
      Do you think that that re-reise can call worse hand than we have now ? KQhh will IMO definitely call, but I doubt, that the same can do Tx and that IMO lost value from Tx hands.
      Another scenario - what if opponent shoved ? Than you are definitely beated, cuz it reprezents set.

      = IMO re-raise flop isnt so good move, cuz it izolate you vs better hands (read like - more better hands that hands that you beated on the flop) only hand that you can beat is KQhh or some or some flatted JJ-KK but it will not be so often flated in BvB IMO.

      IMO is good call flop, c/c turn with plan on river and probably c/f river, cuz like CosmicBaby wrote = its strong line.
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      04-13-2011 , 06:42 AM
      I dont like calling OTR...JJ+ usually 3bet pre....Tx usually shuts down we only beat the Bluffs/semibluffs here. And you´re hand is pretty face upt to Tx/Overpairs and he cant expect hero to fold here. So this is a clear valuebet....In Play def snapcallin ....but its a leak...but hey....only 10 bucks
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      04-13-2011 , 06:49 AM
      Never folding bvb; either pop the flop or the turn. If we decide to flat flop and turn goes check check I'm check / calling non heart rivers and c / folding heart rivers.
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      04-13-2011 , 10:02 AM
      Originally Posted by mat_ryan
      i have learned the hard way, way to many times slowplaying aces, for "maximum value". especially from the blinds, because i want a call. i think you should have re-poped him on the flop.
      Well all that would help here is improve all-in EV.

      Real Q is what is the most optimal line vs his range. What sort of range we put his flop raise range that we have solidly beaten? Bunch of draws are flipping anyway and even naked draw is winner relatively often.

      3bet sure gets money in when he has something but will make him fold out his bluffs and bunch of weaker hands he might bluff or opt to "valuebet" on later street.
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      04-13-2011 , 11:14 AM
      I think the river call is pretty atrocious.
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      04-13-2011 , 12:42 PM
      raise bigger pre, reraise turn/get it in. there’s way too many draws on the flop for you to just call his reraise. if he had a draw he’s play it the same way, and you only raised 3x pre so he could easily be on a flush/straight draw. on a board like this with the overcards you have to make them pay to say their draws, instead you played it passively. passive poker is almost never correct , especially if you’re trying to slowplay with no reads.
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      04-13-2011 , 01:03 PM
      I don't really understand re-raising the flop vs unknown, generally the player will only continue with the range of hands that mostly beat you and fold everything that the player might continue bluffing with.
      As played I would want to find a fold on the river because most players shut down on the river with nothing strong.
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