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AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn

10-08-2009 , 04:08 PM
Full Tilt Poker $400.00 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - View hand 318425
The Official Hand History Converter

Morphinum (UTG): $80.00
x1_zalyang (MP): $439.00
Korzakov (CO): $856.20
Hero (BTN): $931.00
totis2121 (SB): $114.10
Serb013 (BB): $167.80

Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is BTN with A A
2 folds, Korzakov raises to $14, Hero raises to $47, 2 folds, Korzakov calls $33

Flop: ($100.00) 5 2 7 (2 players)
Korzakov checks, Hero bets $60.00, Korzakov calls $60

Turn: ($220.00) J (2 players)
Korzakov checks, Hero bets $139.00, Korzakov raises to $302

villain runs like 28/21 40% fld to 3bet, 1.8 aggr. overall
my image was solid I guess but we have some history and he just peels light as **** and seems to not believe me anything
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 04:56 PM
i think checking back the turn here is good. he doesn't really c/c turn with worse that often.

tough hand. would he make this play with Ax hearts? Kx hearts? i think he'd c/c here too since it's a better play.

i think you can find a fold but i hate these spots. if you weren't happy with him c/ring you i'd check back turn and call/value bet river.
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Keyser112
i think checking back the turn here is good. he doesn't really c/c turn with worse that often.

tough hand. would he make this play with Ax hearts? Kx hearts? i think he'd c/c here too since it's a better play.

i think you can find a fold but i hate these spots. if you weren't happy with him c/ring you i'd check back turn and call/value bet river.

If you know for a fact he flats kings here pre, then you can bet/call to get it in. But bet/folding looks bad always with AA here.
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by planB_
villain runs like 28/21 40% fld to 3bet, 1.8 aggr. overall
my image was solid I guess but we have some history and he just peels light as **** and seems to not believe me anything
I guess this is pretty much what u were hoping happened so...
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 05:08 PM
I havn't played 6max in a long time...i guess the games have changed a lot, i can remember this turn always being a bet, and i don't understand how 2 ppl have agreed that turn is a check back.

Like basically the thinking is you ship it in here and get called by sets and are crushed, QQ, KK and pair + draws/combodraws
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 05:26 PM
why do you want to check back? Isn't he calling with 88-TT, QQ?
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 05:34 PM
checking turn is soo results orientated.. bet/bet/bet is standard.

as played I'd call down, but im a station
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Bramsterdam
checking turn is soo results orientated.. bet/bet/bet is standard.

as played I'd call down, but im a station
as long as you understand you have a bluff catcher at this point ;p
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Bramsterdam
checking turn is soo results orientated.. bet/bet/bet is standard.

as played I'd call down, but im a station
realistically, the only hand you are getting c/r'd here with that you are ahead of is KK
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Keyser112
realistically, the only hand you are getting c/r'd here with that you are ahead of is KK
Yeah so that means you should chk back.
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 06:10 PM
there is a c/callingrange for sure
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 06:19 PM
Is a 40% fld to 3b normal? cos I thought that like 60-70% was what most people had? Lately i've seen more posts with like:He had a 35-45% ft3b.
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 06:48 PM
nah I think 60-70% is totally standard and most rates under 60% are too loose.
I think it depends on your style though, like if you're playing 10/7 or so folding >50% would be a mistake.
but for most plyrs something in the 60-70% range is fine
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 07:49 PM
I think I am in the checking the turn crew. We are deep and I really can't say I want to stack off here with AA. Nothing wrong with alittle pot control. 100BB of course we are b/calling

As played, Im not sure what I want to do. He could def. be bluffing and I would hate to fold aces here. How about calling turn to re-evl the river. Hopefully he checks his bluff and top pair hands. If not, you got to read souls on the river.
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 07:52 PM
korzakov is ****ing nuts

that's my contribution
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 07:54 PM
I think he's bad. Way too suspicious
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 07:54 PM
I don't think he would raise med strength draws there, he's gotta fear the 3b shove.
I'd assume his bluffing range isn't a lot of FD's or 98 but more like AQ, T8, A2-A5, 76
Hence I wouldn't shove here but just call if you continue.

If he bluffs enough here to continue.. who knows, pretty sure it's impossible to figure out without knowing this guy or the table

(def not checking turn wtf)
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by pologuy64
I think I am in the checking the turn crew. We are deep and I really can't say I want to stack off here with AA. Nothing wrong with alittle pot control. 100BB of course we are b/calling

I just don't know why I should check the turn? If the idea is "you only get 2 streets of value" then why flop&river and not flop&turn? I have no idea about his river betting frequency and underepping my hand is a bad excuse for making the wrong call in the end IMO.

Also I'm top of my range so I just feel like there's too much value in betting.
Furthermore I'd never bluff by bet/check/betting so I think potcontroling is a bit unbalanced (although thats not too important I guess).

I think if I just posted the hand after he ccalled the flop and asked about the turnplay everyone would go BETBETBET so I think many plyrs are results oriented here.
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 08:14 PM
I guess what I was saying is that three streets is kind of thin, and I think bet folding AA is extremely gross. 40 percent fold to 3bet with 1.8 AF is so extremely weird that it's hard to play perfectly without more detailed player specific reads. Bet getting it in is fine (on turn or river) as is going for 2 streets on flop and river. Bet folding on this texture vs an erratic player with an undefined preflop range I think is very bad. If I vbet turn it's to vbet river as well.

As to the person who has no check back turn bluff river range and therefore claims this is unbalanced, add some bluffs and balance that line LDO
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 08:22 PM
Checking back turn as your standard play is terrible. Are you really narrowing your value range on this turn to the ~2% of hands that make two pair or better? Giving up value to protect against a c/r is especially bad considering that he is only going to checkraise us on this turn a small percentage of the time.

As for the turn C/R, its mostly a leveling war. Given your reads though I would learn towards a call. He's not repping much other than 55, 77, JJ. Meanwhile, your range should be pretty wide here, and AA should be near the top of it. I'm sure in a game theory equilibrium this is a slam dunk shove considering that a lot of your range is overcards/weak draws, etc. The main question is if he's tricky enough to consider turning his weaker flop peels into bluffs.
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by oldjude
Yeah so that means you should chk back.
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 10:21 PM
This is a standard bet/bet/bet. If you get raised, you can evaluate it then. Checking the turn is results oriented. There aren't too many turned flush draws in his range, so its a matter of how frequently he checkraises the flop deep with a big hand.
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by Keyser112
realistically, the only hand you are getting c/r'd here with that you are ahead of is KK
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-08-2009 , 11:21 PM
checking the turn is so bad and incredibly result oriented
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
10-09-2009 , 06:08 AM
I can't think of a better board to bet/bet/bet with than this one.

Only thing you really have to fear is a flopped set and sure those happen but they are rare.

Also, lets not forget that villian is putting hero on a range of hands, and many people LOVE to put preflop raisers on AK/AQs.

Long story short, there are a huge range of hands that villian can have that would bet this turn as above (88s - KKs) AXs (hearts), AJs, KJs, QJs + air. And when you factor in that villian 'may' be putting hero on AK/AQs or weaker pockets, I think AAs comes out on top more often than not.

I would NEVER check the turn in this situation heads up unless he showed me his cards and I saw he flopped a set. The flop is dog shtt, there are no real draws out there other than a backdoor flush, and the only thing we have to fear is a flopped set.

Anyways, I think I raise here and bet the river and if he does happen to have a set, then it's just a cooler hand and he takes my money.

But I gotta believe that in this spot, with AAs, you are going to win 4 out of 5 times here.
AA deep, c/r'ed on the turn Quote
