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AA on 9Q9 board 2NL AA on 9Q9 board 2NL

01-11-2015 , 12:46 AM
So I have aces in UTG +2 and raise to 3BB get called by 4 people (CO, BTN,SB,BB)
- Flop comes 9sQh9h it checks to me and I bet a little over half pot, 3 villains call (CO,SB,BB)
-Turn is a total brick 6d
-I go all-in for around 2/3rds pot
-CO flats SB overshoves, CO folds
- River comes Tc

Villain shows down T9o

Was the shove on turn fine?
I feel like it was cause I will get called by a ton of Qs and flopping trips is fairly rare..
AA on 9Q9 board 2NL Quote
01-11-2015 , 08:26 AM
no this is quite spewy..

what hands call OTF on that board? now you got 3 of them..what hands that call flop now call a shove?

if you would call with AQ or maybe even AhKh in one of the opponents clothes, that would probably be a leak, so you are depending on all 3 players making a bad call on turn and none of them making a good call.
AA on 9Q9 board 2NL Quote
01-11-2015 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by maaj3
no this is quite spewy..

what hands call OTF on that board? now you got 3 of them..what hands that call flop now call a shove?

if you would call with AQ or maybe even AhKh in one of the opponents clothes, that would probably be a leak, so you are depending on all 3 players making a bad call on turn and none of them making a good call.
Villains at 2NL could definitely pay that off with even some lower Qs, I don't want hearts to roll of on the river, and my stack is so short by the turn I'm pricing myself in anyway when I bet smaller on the turn so I figured might as well just shove it turn
AA on 9Q9 board 2NL Quote
01-11-2015 , 05:15 PM
Raise more pre (5 BB?). As played, C/F the turn. With so many callers at 2NL someone is showing up with A9-T9.

Reminds me of a 1/2 home game a while back: I raised to $12 with AA UTG, get 4 callers. Flop comes QQT rainbow. Checked to me, I check, MP bets, folds to me. I instafolded AA face up and MP showed AQo.
AA on 9Q9 board 2NL Quote
01-12-2015 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by LittlePud
Raise more pre (5 BB?). As played, C/F the turn. With so many callers at 2NL someone is showing up with A9-T9.

Reminds me of a 1/2 home game a while back: I raised to $12 with AA UTG, get 4 callers. Flop comes QQT rainbow. Checked to me, I check, MP bets, folds to me. I instafolded AA face up and MP showed AQo.
I see the point, but playing scared because someone might have me beat will make me lose value over the long run, no?
I feel like I can't just assume someone must have the 9, random Qs or heart draws just seem to be a much larger parts of the villains's ranges..
AA on 9Q9 board 2NL Quote
01-12-2015 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by Pokererder
I see the point, but playing scared because someone might have me beat will make me lose value over the long run, no?
I feel like I can't just assume someone must have the 9, random Qs or heart draws just seem to be a much larger parts of the villains's ranges..
I agree with you if you're going heads up to the turn, but 4 ways? This is too thin IMO. Assigning all three opponents reasonable ranges includes too many nines. It's worth sacrificing the protection of our equity to pot control here. It's gross, but I think we're x/f here.
AA on 9Q9 board 2NL Quote
01-12-2015 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by Pokererder
I see the point, but playing scared because someone might have me beat will make me lose value over the long run, no?
I feel like I can't just assume someone must have the 9, random Qs or heart draws just seem to be a much larger parts of the villains's ranges..
Originally Posted by Pokererder
Was the shove on turn fine?
I feel like it was cause I will get called by a ton of Qs and flopping trips is fairly rare..
Once you c-bet and 3 villains call, I think you can comfortably x/f the Turn. You're up against 3 villains. There are only 3 Queens left in the deck. They'd each have to separately have those exact 3 Queens for us to still be ahead.

If it was heads-up, I think we can c-bet Turn. But it's not. I think at least 1 villain has a 9 here almost 100% of the time.
AA on 9Q9 board 2NL Quote
01-13-2015 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by ScoopMonkey
Once you c-bet and 3 villains call, I think you can comfortably x/f the Turn. You're up against 3 villains. There are only 3 Queens left in the deck. They'd each have to separately have those exact 3 Queens for us to still be ahead.

If it was heads-up, I think we can c-bet Turn. But it's not. I think at least 1 villain has a 9 here almost 100% of the time.
Okay thanks for the input, really helps me
AA on 9Q9 board 2NL Quote
