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A5s from BB mutliway with wet flop A5s from BB mutliway with wet flop

01-01-2018 , 04:42 AM

First ever posting on this forum so if I get things wrong let me know.

I am playing microstakes 6 max.

I think the call with A5s from BB is fair since I close the betting and get a cheap look at the flop.

The flop is wet. I check and see what happens. The bet is made and I have nothing on the villian. His range contains lots of cards that would connect with the flop. I am behind most Ax cards, ahead of some Kx or Qx cards but of course could be against 2 pair. I have one of the Aces and the other is on the flop so the A is a little less likely. I don't expect the villain to bet JJ (is this a correct assumption). Hence I am happy with the call. I think a raise would be too aggressive.

When the 10 hits and the villain bets again, I fold.

Does this play seem right?

Using PokerStrategy if I assign a calling range of the villain against a UTG raise of 99-22, ATs-A7s, K9s+, Q9s+, J9s+, T8s+, 98s, 87s, 76s, 65s, 54s, AJo-A9o, KTo+, QTo+, JTo, then my A5s is about evens pre-flop.

When the flop hits then my A5s is now about 65%. Maybe I should have raised the flop? I know I am getting these plays wrong!
A5s from BB mutliway with wet flop Quote
01-01-2018 , 06:19 AM
You absolutely can not raise this flop, you played the hand fine, some will even advocate folding the flop, which seems a bit weak to me for the price, but yes FOLD the turn, gj.
A5s from BB mutliway with wet flop Quote
01-01-2018 , 06:32 AM
fold turn and play full stacked. And no don't raise this flop calling is correct.
A5s from BB mutliway with wet flop Quote
01-01-2018 , 09:42 AM
Buy in full and fold the turn.

Raising the flop doesn't make sense.
A5s from BB mutliway with wet flop Quote
01-01-2018 , 10:56 AM
A flop raise would be terrible. Honestly, flop's close to a check/fold because so few worse hands are ever betting the flop with this many players in, but there's a club out there and you get a good price so you need to peel one.

Pre is obviously fine but you're hoping to make two pair or strong draws and on this particular flop you're close to dead against a lot of hands that bet here. All the sets, JT, AK/AQ have us drawing very thin. When the turn isn't a club and there's four to a straight and he keeps betting, you're never good.
A5s from BB mutliway with wet flop Quote
01-01-2018 , 11:22 AM
First of all,
Play full Stacked,
Pre is fine
you can't Raise the flop i would even advocate in favor of check/folding here is why:

-Imo he won't bet anything else then an Ace with 3 Players left to act (because most of the time someone else will have an Ace too)
and the only Aces u beat probably won't even bet into 3 plrs because they are scared of a stroger Ax hand which means that you are beat most of the time.

Yes you do have a backdoor flush draw but there are a lot better boards for you to get sticky on.
if you still want to continue
Fold the Turn no Club and the T are not in our favour.
A5s from BB mutliway with wet flop Quote
01-01-2018 , 02:19 PM
PF's fine. Squeezing is okay too IMO but maybe just increases variance for no reason at 2NL.

I'm c/f'ing flop.
A5s from BB mutliway with wet flop Quote
