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99 in BB vs EP RFI 99 in BB vs EP RFI

08-05-2019 , 07:39 PM
PokerStars Zoom, Hold'em No Limit - $0.10/$0.25 - 6 players
Hand delivered by Upswing Poker

UTG (UTG): $20.93 (84 bb)
UTGplus1 (MP): $4.48 (18 bb)
UTGplus2 (CO): $15.98 (64 bb)
Dealer (BU): $12.81 (51 bb)
Small Blind (SB): $24.10 (96 bb)
Hero (BB): $25.00 (100 bb)

Pre-Flop: ($0.35) Hero (Hero) is BB with 9 9
UTG (UTG) raises to $0.75, 4 players fold, Hero (BB) calls $0.50

Flop: ($1.60) 3 7 6 (2 players)
Hero (BB) checks, UTG (UTG) bets $1.14, Hero (BB) calls $1.14

Turn: ($3.88) T (2 players)
Hero (BB) bets $2.77, UTG (UTG) calls $2.77

River: ($9.42) 7 (2 players)
Hero (BB) checks, UTG (UTG) bets $6.71, Hero (BB) ??

question 1:
do we ever x/r flop? and why?

question 2:
I lead turn to charge his unpaired hands with a heart. is this a bad line of thinking?

question 3:
would villain bet AhTx this size on this river? or is this just overpairs/air??
99 in BB vs EP RFI Quote
08-05-2019 , 10:35 PM
You can donk lead this flop at a high frequency.

Your hand in particular benefits greatly from a donk lead. But depending on how you construct your BB range vs UTG. You can donk lead probably close to 50% of your range.

As played, don't donk the turn. It is true that you have more flushes than him but it is not a big enough equity shift OTT for you to donk lead.

Turn cards you can donk lead (if you don't donk lead the flop).


Fold the river as played.

Villain should not be cbetting this flop with many A offsuit hands.


We never XR the flop because XRs polarize our range. We are in the middle of our range, so it wouldn't make sense to polarize our range with a hand that is in the middle of it. That's why it is always a x/c in these positions.

Last edited by DooDooPoker; 08-05-2019 at 10:48 PM.
99 in BB vs EP RFI Quote
08-05-2019 , 10:57 PM
would villain bet AhTx this size on this river? or is this just overpairs/air??
It seems very odd to not put flushes or boats in his range.

I lead turn to charge his unpaired hands with a heart. is this a bad line of thinking?
This is standard.

do we ever x/r flop? and why?
Yes. Protection from overcards. Make it $5.50 to fold out AK/AQ type hands w/

otr, I think we have to call or raise since he's a broken stack fishy.
99 in BB vs EP RFI Quote
08-06-2019 , 12:26 AM
would love to see any solver output suggesting donk flop/turn
99 in BB vs EP RFI Quote
08-06-2019 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by yasuo
would love to see any solver output suggesting donk flop/turn
Leading Flop is fine. x/r flop is not really a happening much though villain should pretty much never bet AK-AT. Once Villain bets these hands we can probably x/r

My solver checks range on that turn and on most hearts… some leads on a 5 or a 4
99 in BB vs EP RFI Quote
08-06-2019 , 05:39 AM
Originally Posted by Zuko
Leading Flop is fine. x/r flop is not really a happening much though villain should pretty much never bet AK-AT. Once Villain bets these hands we can probably x/r

My solver checks range on that turn and on most hearts… some leads on a 5 or a 4
what is the flop lead frequency and what are the main hands that lead? I am still under the impression that solver would not lead much from BB vs UTG's strong range even on semi-connected low boards like this one so I am curious
99 in BB vs EP RFI Quote
08-06-2019 , 05:54 AM
What do you consider strong Hands on that Flop?
99 in BB vs EP RFI Quote
08-06-2019 , 06:00 AM
Originally Posted by Zuko
What do you consider strong Hands on that Flop?
in terms of nutty hands BB has a few combos of 45s/76s/33 which UTG may not have but UTG still has the strong over pairs. UTG probably still has the overall equity advantage.
99 in BB vs EP RFI Quote
08-06-2019 , 06:24 AM
Honestly i think it really depends on how the utg range is constructed, for a 3x open UTG should even Mix 77 pre. 66-22 are folded more often than raised. the SC are all very low frequency opens. so BB has way more combos of 2pair+.
but if UTG open all 77-22 almost always and a lot SC things look different. so in this spot is very difficult to say what solver is doing because it depends a lot on these treshhold hands that some people always fold and some other always raise
99 in BB vs EP RFI Quote
08-06-2019 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by DooDooPoker
We never XR the flop because XRs polarize our range. We are in the middle of our range, so it wouldn't make sense to polarize our range with a hand that is in the middle of it. That's why it is always a x/c in these positions.
Range merging.
99 in BB vs EP RFI Quote
08-06-2019 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Iblis
Range merging.
It's true 99 is XR at a very small frequency but i think range merging (people still use that term? ) occurs mostly in wide range spots preflop.

Ranges are too tight here.

BTNvsBB would be a good example of where it would be applicable.
99 in BB vs EP RFI Quote
08-06-2019 , 04:09 PM
GTO+ shows to check flop 61.8%. i have option to lead for 50% pot and take that option 38.2%.

this specific hand shows 40.7%/59.3% bet/check.

when we donk: if we get raised, we 3b 99 with heart 15.8% and call 84.2%
if we get called, we check turn 100% and x/c 99 with heart and fold without.

When we check: 99 with heart should x/r around 10% of the time and call the other 90%. 99 without a heart should x/c 100%.

OTT GTO+ leads( after x/c on flop) 0% and x/c with this combo 85% and x/r this combo 15%.

if hero x/r flop, we check this turn 100% and fold to a turn bet after checking.

all 99 are a fold to river bet no matter what part of tree you follow. they are never a bet or a call on the river. well this specific runout is what im reffering to, hoepfully thats obvious lol.

so it seems i should have a donking range vs EP! thats interesting as i currently dont have a donking range except in limp pots when im in BB. another thing i found interesting is we should x/r turn 15% of the time. i didnt think that would be there either. villain should also fold to a turn x/r around 63% of the time. which i dont think will happen in real time, becasue it shows villain folding KQo and KJo with a heart. also shows him folding KK-JJ with a heart as well. i think in real time villains will jam JJ-KK.
99 in BB vs EP RFI Quote
08-06-2019 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated

otr, I think we have to call or raise since he's a broken stack fishy.
I folded in game but after getting HHs villain had KJ
99 in BB vs EP RFI Quote
08-06-2019 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by thegibson
GTO+ shows to check flop 61.8%. i have option to lead for 50% pot and take that option 38.2%.
Either this solver sucks or you put too strong of a range for Sb or I don't understand poker anymore. I think we should have close to no donking range against utg.
99 in BB vs EP RFI Quote
08-07-2019 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by Ojune
Either this solver sucks or you put too strong of a range for Sb or I don't understand poker anymore. I think we should have close to no donking range against utg.
Did you read it is BB, not SB. Because his results are very similiar to the sims i ran.
99 in BB vs EP RFI Quote
08-07-2019 , 04:14 PM
A. yes, solver sucks.

B. T is a scared card, we do not necessarily fold. Your check on river shows you are weak.

C. this is 25nl, by turn, Villain would have shown that he was better than you with a raise. I would have called river.

D. because, we still have showdown equity, we should have raised on the turn to see really where we were at, villain would have x/r with flush, probably no 7x in his range, only thing beating us really is those overpairs and TT, they would have been a bit more aggressive on the flop to fold undesirables, no free cards. I would have definitely been more aggro on flop and turn.

E. When in doubt, there is no harm in folding. However, I like to make this a one or 2 street game with pairs, tis better to win a small amount than lose a stack.
99 in BB vs EP RFI Quote
08-08-2019 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by Zuko
Did you read it is BB, not SB. Because his results are very similiar to the sims i ran.
ye I meant bb
99 in BB vs EP RFI Quote
