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777 OOP - Multi way 777 OOP - Multi way

11-28-2007 , 10:48 AM
wayned: 54/16
hoerenjong: 40/16

Noble Poker 0.25/0.50, hand converted by the iPoker Converter at Talking-Poker

saw flop | saw showdown

Button chickschecker ($56.75)
SB tweak ($49.25)
BB wayned ($130.85)
UTG ImSoNitty ($48.00)
UTG+1 hoerenjong ($13.75)
CO colombio123 ($10.17)

Preflop: tweak is in the SB with 7h 7d
1 fold, hoerenjong raises to 1.50, 2 folds, tweak calls 1.25, wayned calls 1.00.

Flop (4.50) 3d 6s 7s
tweak checks, wayned bets 3.00, hoerenjong raises to 8.00, tweak calls 8.00, wayned calls 5.00.

Turn (28.50) 8d

Is checking ok? And is it ok to flat call the raise and reraise in this situation as to not scare the bigger stack out?
777 OOP - Multi way Quote
11-28-2007 , 10:54 AM
I raise this flop AI almost allways. There are a lot of draws that you dont like.
777 OOP - Multi way Quote
11-28-2007 , 10:57 AM
I donk the flop. Given you didn't I c/r.
777 OOP - Multi way Quote
11-28-2007 , 11:06 AM
what do you mean you donk the flop?
777 OOP - Multi way Quote
11-28-2007 , 11:07 AM
push all in on flop, you don't want to give free cards on such a draw heavy board.
777 OOP - Multi way Quote
11-28-2007 , 11:10 AM
what do you mean you donk the flop?
Just betting out.
777 OOP - Multi way Quote
11-28-2007 , 11:16 AM
As played how do we approach the turn?
777 OOP - Multi way Quote
11-28-2007 , 11:18 AM
As played how do we approach the turn?
I probably bet out even though I don't really like it. This situation is partly why I c/r the flop.
777 OOP - Multi way Quote
11-28-2007 , 11:19 AM
This one is way to drawy to risk having the flop check around, lead and hope an overpair or draw raises you...standard 3bai.

The problem with not reraising the flop the way you played it is that there are too many scare cards that are shutting down the action (for you and for them). Best chance of getting it in and being called when ahead is now.
777 OOP - Multi way Quote
11-28-2007 , 11:26 AM
Thanks for the advise folks.

As played

tweak bets 12.00, wayned calls 12.00, hoerenjong moves all-in for 4.25.

River (56.75) 5c
tweak checks, wayned bets 9.00, tweak calls 9.00

wayned shows Td 4d
tweak shows 7h 7d
hoerenjong shows Qd Qc

wayned wins 74.75 with A straight, Eight high74.75 with A straight, Eight high
777 OOP - Multi way Quote
11-28-2007 , 11:30 AM
Does anyone knows what hoerenjong means?
777 OOP - Multi way Quote
11-28-2007 , 11:36 AM
no idea!
777 OOP - Multi way Quote
11-28-2007 , 11:38 AM
A hoerenjong the typographic term for the last line of a paragraph which placed a page or column. Aangezien de laatste regel van een alinea niet de gehele kolom- of paginabreedte in beslag neemt oogt het niet mooi, en een klassieke typografische conventie is dan ook om dit te voorkomen. As the last line of a paragraph is not the whole column or page width takes looks not good, and a classic typographical convention is to keep this from happening.

De Engelse term hiervoor is widow , een woord dat letterlijke weduwe betekent. The English term for this is widow, a word that literally means widow. Deze term komt thans ook voor in het Nederlands, maar dit is een leenbetekenis , daar de traditionele naam hoerenjong, of eufemistischer H-jong is. This term is now also in English, but this is a leenbetekenis because the traditional name hoerenjong or eufemistischer H-young.
777 OOP - Multi way Quote
11-28-2007 , 11:40 AM
It's dutch for son of a b****.
777 OOP - Multi way Quote
11-28-2007 , 11:40 AM
You probably meant the last one here though:

Hoerenjong (engineering), an extension for a heimachine

Hoerenjong (scheldwoord), a scheldwoord

Hoerenjong (thriller), a thriller by Peter de Zwaan

Hoerenjong (typography), a term in the typography

Gigolo or prostitute, a name for a young man in prostitution
777 OOP - Multi way Quote
11-28-2007 , 01:04 PM
This is truly butchered. If you had bet the flop by donking/3betting, then you would've stacked someone most of the time. reraising after checking would be second choice. This is not a flop to slowplay oop.

Amazing that the one fellow called the flop with only bd flush. Watch him cause he's going to be your table donator.
777 OOP - Multi way Quote
11-28-2007 , 01:17 PM
Preflop was fine..I like the cold call on flop to be honest. You definitely had the best hand on the flop and theres a chance wayned would reraise hoerenjong, or even just call, giving us more money.

The turn really didn't seem to improve anyones hand. 45 is very unlikely for anyone, and i dont think anyone plays the flop that aggressively with a gutshot. However i think betting 12 is wayyy to low, under half pot is too weak. At this point everyone seems interested in going to a showdown, shove it all in.

Completely donkish of wayned to play the hand like this, bad luck for you, only line i didn't like was turn bet
777 OOP - Multi way Quote
11-28-2007 , 01:18 PM
How can you misplay a hand like this? I go nuclear with any kind of set on almost any board... Push flop. Push turn.
777 OOP - Multi way Quote
11-28-2007 , 01:21 PM
okay actually just thought about it a little more. The flop is pretty drawy with the flush and 89 is a likely hand that could give an open ender...raising flop is the best idea. On a less drawy board, calling wins imo
777 OOP - Multi way Quote
11-28-2007 , 01:28 PM
You need to bet more on the turn. Waaay more.
777 OOP - Multi way Quote
11-28-2007 , 02:06 PM
There are WAY too many scare cards and draws on the turn in order to not make a close to PSB. So you definitely should have done that.

I still haven't made up my mind about the flop. I understand OPs logic for calling, but I doubt most 50NL players would be able to dump an overpair anyway.
777 OOP - Multi way Quote
11-28-2007 , 08:22 PM
yeah lads, this hand was in my head all night.

I've learned a lesson from it all!

777 OOP - Multi way Quote
