I've been debating my call here even though I was ahead because of the ICM implications making it high risk.
I knew the other player was a bit of a maniac and Agresssive/Agressive.
He reraised with any ace or pair at least.
He is most likely a level 1-2 thinking player that does not think much about what hand I may hold, only his own, from my observations.
Slow played big hands and was super agrro with average hands.
I put him on a PP from 5's to maybe 10's
So I figured I was ahead (as I was).
I was 60% to win on the flop with two cards to come.
Should I fold here anyways against such an over shove EVER?
Full Tilt Poker, NL Hold'em Tournament, 30/60 Blinds, 2 Players
LeggoPoker.com - Hand History Converter
Hero (BB): 3,220
SB: 2,780
Pre-Flop: (90) A
dealt to Hero (BB)
SB calls 30,
Hero raises to 180,
SB raises to 480, Hero calls 300
Flop: (960) J
(2 Players)
Hero checks,
SB bets 2,300 and is All-In, Hero calls 2,300
Turn: (5,560) 3
(2 Players - 1 is All-In)
River: (5,560) 2
(2 Players - 1 is All-In)
Results: 5,560 Pot
Hero showed A K (Ace King high) and LOST (-2,780 NET)
SB showed 7 7 (a pair of Sevens) and WON 5,560 (+2,780 NET)
Last edited by Shifting Gears; 04-09-2008 at 12:33 AM.