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5NLz - Flop top pair on 823 board BTN vs. BB. Facing c/r on flop - how many streets do we call? 5NLz - Flop top pair on 823 board BTN vs. BB. Facing c/r on flop - how many streets do we call?

07-14-2017 , 12:16 AM
Ignition No-Limit Hold'em, $0.05 BB (6 handed)

BB ($10.98)
UTG ($4.60)
MP ($4.75)
CO ($0.97)
Hero (Button) ($5.07)
SB ($6.26)

Preflop: Hero is Button with 7, 8
3 folds, Hero raises to $0.14, 1 fold, BB calls $0.09

Flop: ($0.29) 8, 2, 3 (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $0.15, BB raises $0.53, Hero calls $0.38

Turn: ($1.30) 2 (2 players)
BB bets $1.00, Hero calls $1.00

River: ($3.20) 9 (2 players)
BB bets $3.50, Hero folds

PF: Seems standard enough.

Flop: I have a positional advantage. Not sure if I have much of a range advantage here or not - seems like we both really miss this board. I bet for value because pairs aren't folding when my range is largely overcards that missed the flop. Getting his 6-outters to fold is fine, too.

When I get c/r'ed, I put his range on 22, 33, some 88s, a ton of heart draws, occasionally some stuff like A4s, A5s, 65s, and then maybe some hands like A8s, 99-TT. I think he has enough draws in his range for me to call the flop and to plan to call blank turns.

Turn: And this is probably the blankest card there is. It's a little scary when villain continues to fire on this card since the board texture makes me more inclined to go to showdown. Really debated folding here but I figured he doesn't have to continue betting with too many flush draws to make our call correct. If we fold here, what's the weakest hand we call?

River: The main draw comes in. I beat some of his missed straight draws and nothing else, and so I give it up. As played, are there any rivers that we call?
5NLz - Flop top pair on 823 board BTN vs. BB. Facing c/r on flop - how many streets do we call? Quote
07-14-2017 , 12:40 AM
check flop
the rest is fine
5NLz - Flop top pair on 823 board BTN vs. BB. Facing c/r on flop - how many streets do we call? Quote
07-14-2017 , 03:13 AM
+1 to checking flop. Rest looks good.
5NLz - Flop top pair on 823 board BTN vs. BB. Facing c/r on flop - how many streets do we call? Quote
07-14-2017 , 11:08 AM
Bet flop and check flop are both good money making options. This board is very good for you as the PFR, you've both got a lot of air except you're the one with TT+. If he has 33-22 then he bleed money with those hands when he does miss so you're not concerned about that.

With this huge range advantage I would bet most of my hands, including this. Check back at a low frequency.

You can probably fold turn IMO.
5NLz - Flop top pair on 823 board BTN vs. BB. Facing c/r on flop - how many streets do we call? Quote
