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5NL - TPTK on 3flush turn 5NL - TPTK on 3flush turn

03-12-2010 , 02:46 PM
Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $0.05(BB) Poker Stars
SB ($10.59)
BB ($3.30)
UTG ($2.95)
UTG+1 ($4.15)
CO ($2.35)
Hero ($5)

Dealt to Hero Q A

UTG calls $0.05, UTG+1 calls $0.05, CO calls $0.05, Hero raises to $0.25, fold, fold, UTG calls $0.20, UTG+1 calls $0.20, fold

FLOP ($0.87) Q J 2

UTG checks, UTG+1 checks, Hero bets $0.65, UTG folds, UTG+1 calls $0.65

TURN ($2.17) Q J 2 3

UTG+1 checks, Hero bets $1.40, UTG+1 raises to $3.25 (AI), Hero calls $1.85

villain is 30/0/0% after like 10 hands
anything wrong with getting it in here? im expecting to be up against a worse queen or a jack a lot of the time; occasionally a flush, other times AsXx

should i be checking the turn back to get it in on a non-scary river? (this is probably what im doing if i dont have Qs in my hand)

thoughts appreciated
5NL - TPTK on 3flush turn Quote
03-12-2010 , 03:04 PM
I dont think you can fold on the turn, your getting way over 2 to 1, uve got TPTK and you have a Queen High flush draw
5NL - TPTK on 3flush turn Quote
03-12-2010 , 03:10 PM
You can never really fold with that price, if my sums are correct you only need to be good 21% of the time
5NL - TPTK on 3flush turn Quote
03-12-2010 , 03:16 PM
thanks for responses. once i bet turn, im happy to get it in

Originally Posted by Nutcracker19
should i be checking the turn back to get it in on a non-scary river? (this is probably what im doing if i dont have Qs in my hand)
is this ever the best play? this would mean i may not get paid if i hit my flush (assuming he doesnt have As or Ks) but may also save me $ if im behind, only having to call 1 bet on the river, or fold to some donk shove on the river? [if i check back pot is $2.15 with $3.25 stacks at the river]
5NL - TPTK on 3flush turn Quote
03-12-2010 , 03:49 PM
Preflop I would bet $0.40
5NL - TPTK on 3flush turn Quote
03-12-2010 , 10:38 PM
I'd iso raise to somewhere like 6bb pre. AQo does better heads up, rather than multiway imo. then I'd bet more on the flop and be committed on the turn.

his stack size kind of sucks. I still call but don't really expect to be ahead a lot of the time.

I'd expect to see two random spades and the occasional QJ
5NL - TPTK on 3flush turn Quote
03-12-2010 , 10:53 PM
preflop action doesn't matter. at this level there is a lot of limping and the limpers generally fold to any 5x+ raise so by raising too big you are scaring away the dead money that will call some of your friendlier raises. remember-- against donks its about value betting them til they're broke.

nothing wrong with this hand as played.
5NL - TPTK on 3flush turn Quote
03-12-2010 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by sharkbaitOHH
I'd iso raise to somewhere like 6bb pre. AQo does better heads up, rather than multiway imo. then I'd bet more on the flop and be committed on the turn.

his stack size kind of sucks. I still call but don't really expect to be ahead a lot of the time.

I'd expect to see two random spades and the occasional QJ
so basically you would play this hand the same way, just betting bigger. when people make posts like this it is generally results oriented. you look at the hand history and assume villain lost and then think of ways that villain could have avoided the situation. "raise more preflop and maybe villain would have folded" "bet more on the flop and maybe villain wouldn't have chased his flush" etc.

hero did exactly what you said. he bet the flop and bet the turn which committed him to the pot. at this level this hand was played fine and as it was played will yield more winning results than losing so regardless of the outcome, this play at this level is +EV
5NL - TPTK on 3flush turn Quote
03-12-2010 , 11:06 PM
not going to argue, but clarify

5x is fine, but I've been using 6x as of recent and still getting calls and check folds at 5nl.

the hand was played fine, but its less of a decision when you're committed had we bet the flop more
5NL - TPTK on 3flush turn Quote
03-13-2010 , 01:06 PM
I might check back the turn and then be committed to call a river bet on just about any card. The problem I would think is that a lot of his range was helped by that turn card. He will almost never call a turn bet with worse I dont think (although that is very player dependant), and if he has better we have to call. If we check he might fire the river with just about anything he has (including a worse q or j).
5NL - TPTK on 3flush turn Quote
