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5nl QQ's in a strange spot 5nl QQ's in a strange spot

02-02-2011 , 01:32 AM
villain is 28/8 over 61 hands. at the time this hand happened though i only had maybe 10 hands on him.

Full Tilt Poker $5.00 No Limit Hold'em - 7 players - View hand 1152206
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BB: $3.15
UTG: $1.79
UTG+1: $6.55
MP: $4.94
Hero (CO): $5.82
BTN: $4.91
SB: $8.38

Pre Flop: ($0.07) Hero is CO with Q Q
3 folds, Hero raises to $0.15, 2 folds, BB calls $0.10

Flop: ($0.32) 6 3 5 (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $0.20, BB calls $0.20

Turn: ($0.72) 4 (2 players)
BB bets $0.40, Hero calls $0.40

River: ($1.52) T (2 players)
BB bets $1.22, Hero????

after looking at this hand i should have raised more on the flop, maybe like 25 or 30... but what should I do once he donks the turn? and then fires the river?? I feel like folding that turn seems like it would be a really weak play... but folding the river bet might be okay. Or should I have just raised him on the turn, and then possibly got stacks in?
5nl QQ's in a strange spot Quote
02-02-2011 , 01:51 AM
TT, huh?
5nl QQ's in a strange spot Quote
02-02-2011 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by SammyG-SD
TT, huh? that your guess at his hand? or are you saying huh in that this hand is not as confusing as i felt it was at the time of playing it?
5nl QQ's in a strange spot Quote
02-02-2011 , 03:00 AM
I dont like your bet sizing, your letting him draw really cheap.
make it 4xbb+1 per limper pre
bet more OTF
Fold turn if your not going to call his river bet, because what is the plan by calling his bet ? to catch another Q for set ? your still in the same situation, you cant improve if he has you beat on the turn, your still beat on the river.
5nl QQ's in a strange spot Quote
02-02-2011 , 03:20 AM
I'm folding the turn on that board, especially without any reads. I see so many people go in with A-crap or junky suited connectors, it doesn't take much to beat you here.
5nl QQ's in a strange spot Quote
02-02-2011 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by Scarykid
I dont like your bet sizing, your letting him draw really cheap.
make it 4xbb+1 per limper pre
bet more OTF
Fold turn if your not going to call his river bet, because what is the plan by calling his bet ? to catch another Q for set ? your still in the same situation, you cant improve if he has you beat on the turn, your still beat on the river.

Right on, Usually I do 3xbb+1. depending on whos left to act and some other things I go 4x etc. But I've never really liked raising 4x PF when I'm first in.
Agree on bet more.
And yeah, for some reason I had this strange thought that maybe he'd donk bet then check the river. But still I agree with you that I should have just folded there if I dont plan on calling a river bet.
5nl QQ's in a strange spot Quote
02-02-2011 , 06:30 AM
why is everybody folding the turn? it only brings a gutshot.

i call turn and reevalute the river, in this spot i fold the river because of his betsize

I agree that we should raise a litle more pre and a litle more on the flop

learn to fold overpairs!
5nl QQ's in a strange spot Quote
02-02-2011 , 10:25 AM
Pre is fine. 3x or 4x is all about preference, skill, villains, and table dynamics. A static amount should not be used.

Pot flop.
5nl QQ's in a strange spot Quote
02-02-2011 , 10:53 AM
I don't see anything wrong w your bet-sizing.

Consider villain's pre-flop range (gonna have to be standard w/o stats). 33-77,TT, along with 78s, 67s, 56s, and even 45s possible, but I think those are in the minority compared to the rest of his calling range. I think he bets into you with trips on flop bc of clubs (and even bc of sd).

Villian quite possibly could have Ax on turn and bet repping straight while thinking it was possible still had the best hand if called. Diamond fd also possibility. Folding here is definitely weak.

As for the river, he could be c-bluffing (2-barreling? - what would you call that?) or hit the ten.

This is probably way too much thought for 5nl. That said, I think a call is +EV here.
5nl QQ's in a strange spot Quote
02-02-2011 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by kowboykiller
I don't see anything wrong w your bet-sizing.

Consider villain's pre-flop range (gonna have to be standard w/o stats). 33-77,TT, along with 78s, 67s, 56s, and even 45s possible, but I think those are in the minority compared to the rest of his calling range. I think he bets into you with trips on flop bc of clubs (and even bc of sd).

Villian quite possibly could have Ax on turn and bet repping straight while thinking it was possible still had the best hand if called. Diamond fd also possibility. Folding here is definitely weak.

As for the river, he could be c-bluffing (2-barreling? - what would you call that?) or hit the ten.

This is probably way too much thought for 5nl. That said, I think a call is +EV here.
iam sure this guy has atleast a set, c/c flop (at 2NL,5NL idk if higger, people play straight/flush draws very passive), lets say he hits his straight OTT, he will bet weak so he doesnt scary his opponent and on river he bets hard like in this case, i see people playing nuts like this everyday at these limits, iam sure your overpair is beat here most of the time.
5nl QQ's in a strange spot Quote
02-02-2011 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Scarykid
iam sure this guy has atleast a set, c/c flop (at 2NL,5NL idk if higger, people play straight/flush draws very passive), lets say he hits his straight OTT, he will bet weak so he doesnt scary his opponent and on river he bets hard like in this case, i see people playing nuts like this everyday at these limits, iam sure your overpair is beat here most of the time.
I think you're right about passive draw play at these limits, but ppl also love to represent big hands on scary boards at these limits. His pre-flop calling range is much more broadway-oriented. Bluffing the turn and hitting the ten on the river is more likely than hitting the set or straight. Raising here isn't crazy IMO, though I think calling is the best play.
5nl QQ's in a strange spot Quote
02-02-2011 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Sprinkles that your guess at his hand? or are you saying huh in that this hand is not as confusing as i felt it was at the time of playing it?
its not confusing because of the post, not the action. Everything you stated suggested you were rivered.

Call, the river, nh.

the only thing I would suggest it slightly bigger flop/turn bets.
5nl QQ's in a strange spot Quote
02-02-2011 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by SammyG-SD
its not confusing because of the post, not the action. Everything you stated suggested you were rivered.

Call, the river, nh.

the only thing I would suggest it slightly bigger flop/turn bets.

well fwiw I folded the river lol. I got so thrown off that I chose to just fold and maybe I could save the money and find a spot that I would be more confident in my decision.
5nl QQ's in a strange spot Quote
02-02-2011 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by SammyG-SD
its not confusing because of the post, not the action. Everything you stated suggested you were rivered.

Call, the river, nh.

the only thing I would suggest it slightly bigger flop/turn bets.
Hero didn't bet ott

I think the hand is played fine and I'd probably also call the river against an unknown. Sure he shows up with 76 sometimes but against an unknown odd stack at these stakes you're gonna see some random crap sometimes.

I dunno, maybe I'm just a station when I'm playing unknown odd stacks at the micros but I have definitely seen a lot of strange plays that don't make any sense and I'm just gonna assume that any one with an odd stack at the micros is a total fish until proven otherwise.
5nl QQ's in a strange spot Quote
02-02-2011 , 06:10 PM
calling the turn bet is fine, given we still have value, but none with a raise
5nl QQ's in a strange spot Quote
