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5NL: My turn bet get's reraised. 5NL: My turn bet get's reraised.

06-30-2008 , 01:10 PM

Looking back on the hand, I was wondering if this was a reach on my part in making the call of his reraise. I felt that he could be doing this with a draw, but it goes against the Baluga theorem I think. I decided to call because of the typical play I've encountered at these stakes, but I wanted to make sure that this was profitable.

The main thing that has me torn is the stack sizes. If we were 100bb, I'd like my call without question. At 200bb's, I'm not as sure.
5NL: My turn bet get's reraised. Quote
06-30-2008 , 03:37 PM
Played it fine imo, your behind to 77,99 and 44 (unlikely) but ahead of any flush, any other pocket pair , and every King barring the split.

Even if we add KK to his range you've still got huge equity, easily more than enough to call the turn overbet.
5NL: My turn bet get's reraised. Quote
06-30-2008 , 03:41 PM
cool, thanks man
5NL: My turn bet get's reraised. Quote
