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5NL, line check: TP2K, 2nd nut flush draw facing flop 3bet from 18/0 over 13 hands 5NL, line check: TP2K, 2nd nut flush draw facing flop 3bet from 18/0 over 13 hands

09-29-2014 , 11:33 PM
Bovada, 5NL

Hero (104bbs) is UTG+1 with KQ

Villain (87bbs) is in SB

UTG folds

Hero makes it $0.15 to go.

CO calls.

BTN folds.

Villain/SB calls.

BB calls.

4 way to the flop.

*** FLOP ($0.60) *** 5JK

Villain checks.

BB bets $0.20.

Hero re-raises to $0.60.

CO folds.

Villain 3-bets to $1.50.

BB folds.



I ended up calling the 3-bet since I thought I was getting a decent price to call. Turn was 4 and villain shoved for his remaining stack of $2.71 into a pot of $3.80. Since I was playing anonymously, I had virtually no reads against him, but knew he was playing relatively tight-passive (18/0) over 13 or so hands. I think the turn shove represented nothing but strength and didn't think TP2K was good in a multiway against such a passive player. Hero folds.

5NL, line check: TP2K, 2nd nut flush draw facing flop 3bet from 18/0 over 13 hands Quote
09-30-2014 , 03:00 AM
I think the line you took was fine, and what I like even more is that you didn't get it in with a combo draw as strong as top pair and the second nut flush draw. Overall, you played that hand pretty well.
5NL, line check: TP2K, 2nd nut flush draw facing flop 3bet from 18/0 over 13 hands Quote
09-30-2014 , 08:56 PM
5NL, line check: TP2K, 2nd nut flush draw facing flop 3bet from 18/0 over 13 hands Quote
