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5nl - flop a set 220bb's deep 3bet pot 5nl - flop a set 220bb's deep 3bet pot

08-21-2010 , 11:18 AM
Not too much of a read on villian except he has nitty stats thus far.
He's running 15/9/7 with a 3bet of 13% over 100 hands but most of his 3bets have been in the bb vs the button.

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.05 BB (5 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from

Button ($7.73)
SB ($5.11)
BB ($13.59)
Hero (UTG) ($11.37)
MP ($4.69)

Preflop: Hero is UTG with 3, 3
Hero bets $0.20, 1 fold, Button calls $0.20, 1 fold, BB raises to $0.65, Hero calls $0.45, 1 fold

Flop: ($1.52) 2, 3, J (2 players)
BB bets $0.94, Hero raises to $2.25, BB calls $1.31

Turn: ($6.02) A (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets $4, BB raises to $10.69 (All-In), Hero?

Pretty sure I butchered this hand. Should have bet more on the flop - like 2.60 - 2.70 considering my read on villian. Not too worried about the turn but I'm thinking its a bet/fold.
5nl - flop a set 220bb's deep 3bet pot Quote
08-21-2010 , 11:29 AM
like you say, bet bigger flop and bet/call turn
5nl - flop a set 220bb's deep 3bet pot Quote
08-21-2010 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by elmastermind_
like you say, bet bigger flop and bet/call turn
What range do you think he pushes over my flop rr and turn bet - my line looks super strong?
5nl - flop a set 220bb's deep 3bet pot Quote
08-21-2010 , 05:19 PM
You already have more than half your stack in on the turn, don't fold with a set here.
5nl - flop a set 220bb's deep 3bet pot Quote
08-21-2010 , 06:05 PM
call, and profit

lol @ bet fold
5nl - flop a set 220bb's deep 3bet pot Quote
08-21-2010 , 09:26 PM
this is a pretty gross spot but you have to b/c the turn really, although i wouldnt be thrilled about it. Also id raise the flop slightly larger.

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 62.338% 62.34% 00.00% 576 0.00 { 3c3d }
Hand 1: 37.662% 37.66% 00.00% 348 0.00 { AA, KcKs, KdKs, KhKs, JJ, AcJc, AdJd, AhJh, AcKs, AdKs, AhKs, AcJd, AcJh, AcJs, AdJc, AdJh, AdJs, AhJc, AhJd, AhJs }
5nl - flop a set 220bb's deep 3bet pot Quote
08-21-2010 , 09:40 PM
^^^ I think you should include some made flushes in this range.

Also if you believe that is his true range then I don't know why you're saying you wouldn't be thrilled. Having 62% equity on the turn is pretty much a fistpump with dead money....

Not saying this spot is a fistpump cos I actually think your range is slightly off having not included a single combo of a made flush.
5nl - flop a set 220bb's deep 3bet pot Quote
08-21-2010 , 09:47 PM
i woudl get it in and within 24 secs have my chat banned for a month due to bad slabbering!!! since when the **** is calling someone a retaded luck box ****ing **** sucking bastard been offensive, ooo when i win and he says something type sorry sick bet, and lololol hard out loud
5nl - flop a set 220bb's deep 3bet pot Quote
08-21-2010 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Spraggy
^^^ I think you should include some made flushes in this range.

Also if you believe that is his true range then I don't know why you're saying you wouldn't be thrilled. Having 62% equity on the turn is pretty much a fistpump with dead money....

Not saying this spot is a fistpump cos I actually think your range is slightly off having not included a single combo of a made flush.
2 things.

1, obv its going in but over 200bb deep its not a fistpump

2, we open utg, someone calls, and THIS guy 3bets from bb with eff stacks >200bb, what are your thoughts on his range preflop?
5nl - flop a set 220bb's deep 3bet pot Quote
08-21-2010 , 10:01 PM
Too tired to dicuss now. But will def get back to this tomorrow.
5nl - flop a set 220bb's deep 3bet pot Quote
08-21-2010 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by Mark89er
i woudl get it in and within 24 secs have my chat banned for a month due to bad slabbering!!! since when the **** is calling someone a retaded luck box ****ing **** sucking bastard been offensive, ooo when i win and he says something type sorry sick bet, and lololol hard out loud
lol - yep.

Don't get me wrong, at all times I think I'm gonna be hard pressed not to get it all in here. But I'll just give my read/ideas on how I break down the hand an see if others agree.

Villian - seems to be kind of a nit but when he gets into a pot He plays aggro

Pre - his 3bet sizing looks wierd. For one thing were deep so I figure he would 3bet larger especially being oop and with a button caller. Also i raised utg so this should narrow his range as well. All things considered and him being a nit, I am going to assume he 3bets the regular stuff here like top 2.6%, maybe JJ some small % of the time. But what do we make of his small sizing - could be a monster that really wants a call (and improperly gives me odds to suck out).

Post - Board seems kinda dry except for a flush draw. He bets a little over 1/2 which doesn't say much, but when I raise him he flats so he should have QQ, KK, AA, or AKss. Unsure if he 3bets any of these hands as JJ and other sets are definitely in my flatting range as well as fd's (though a lot more hands of flushes and being this deep I would probably flat). Theres a small chance he has AQss, but I doubt he 3bets AJss or KQss.

turn - Brings the As and he checks - I bet strong even though flush completes and he raises ai. KK, and QQ he'll be folding and he shouldn't have a flush as AKss is out as well. So he could have a slow played JJ (which would probably raise the flop) or AA. Also small chance he has a KQss but that seems unlikely.

What do you guys think?
5nl - flop a set 220bb's deep 3bet pot Quote
08-21-2010 , 11:25 PM
sorry he had AA. i'd prolly check the turn a decent amount here
5nl - flop a set 220bb's deep 3bet pot Quote
08-22-2010 , 12:02 AM
not sure about the call pre tbh, but maybe being 200bb deep makes up for this in implied odds vs pot odds? Correct me if im wrong, odds isnt something i really know.

Im probably folding pre here, and raising flop more, with a 13% 3bet, maybe AJ is in his range? a fd is there, QQ/KK as well, I guess seeing as you raised flop so small he might not fold his AQ/AK but running 15/9 not sure.

I see a range has already been posted but im thinking, AJ/AQ/AK/JJ/flush/KK/QQ.

Your really only folding there if you think hes on a set or a flush, money goes in imo.

Kind of off-topic but does anyone else here leave a table if there stack is 200bb at a 100bb table? surely this lowers variance and keeps you at 5nl rather than having a BI for 10nl on the table and a larger % of your bankroll? Just a thought.
5nl - flop a set 220bb's deep 3bet pot Quote
08-22-2010 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by Spraggy
^^^ I think you should include some made flushes in this range.

Also if you believe that is his true range then I don't know why you're saying you wouldn't be thrilled. Having 62% equity on the turn is pretty much a fistpump with dead money....

Not saying this spot is a fistpump cos I actually think your range is slightly off having not included a single combo of a made flush.
I agree here. I doubt he put tons of thought into his 3bet sizing and wouldn't make a decision based on whether he had a plan to trap. He was likely making the same type of BB raise hoping to take down the hand you saw him try before. A lot of suited connectors are in his range but so are quite a few other hands. If he can't fold something like AhKs, he's likely to think that by check-raising he's protecting his TPTK and has outs to the nuts. There are so many hands that you beat when he shoves including nut flush draws that want to OMGcheckraiseblufflol. Outside of him having a better set (36 combos?) there aren't many hands that completely dominate you, and the chances of him having one of those sets is offset by the fact that he's playing 222 the same way. Most of the time you're ahead, and even when he shows the flush or 45s you keep 20% of a huge micropot in equity (which I believe is close to the cost of you calling his shove anyways).

Last edited by Foxhound32; 08-22-2010 at 03:03 AM.
5nl - flop a set 220bb's deep 3bet pot Quote
08-22-2010 , 08:03 AM
pre is fine, his range is basically premiums so 200 bb deep you can setmine. I don't understand why people assign sc's to a 15/9 that squeezes an UTG raise from the BB.

Raise flop bigger given stack size (even with 100 it's smallish now). He folds AK here.

Turn is awful, because it kills action on hands we beat QQ-KK and puts us behind against AA and flushdraws (if any).

However, we only need 20% and we have 27% against JJ,AA and KK with K of spades, so we're never folding this (after all, he may still be some idiot that had been drinking coffee the last 100 hands).
5nl - flop a set 220bb's deep 3bet pot Quote
08-22-2010 , 09:47 AM
Raise more on the flop and call the turn and be rady to cuss if he has AA.

Villain seems to be guarding his top pair to me though.
5nl - flop a set 220bb's deep 3bet pot Quote
