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5nl 6max zoom, what to do? 5nl 6max zoom, what to do?

08-30-2014 , 04:44 AM
Please have a look at this hand played on pokerstars.
What should I have done differently here?
5nl 6max zoom, what to do? Quote
08-30-2014 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by bananajoey
What should I have done differently here?
Used the hand history converter

I think you played the hand ok
5nl 6max zoom, what to do? Quote
08-30-2014 , 07:38 AM
Next time use hand converter.

Assuming that you don't have any reads nor stats on this V, I'd say his 3bet range should be QQ+, AK OR he was just trying to take dead money w/ some broadways or higher connectors, maybe higher pocket pairs, that includes AT+, KJ+, T9+, 99+.

OTF he best 1/2 PS so that could basically mean 2 things: he either has a draw or he's trying to bluff you out of the pot. He could also actually have KK+, not sure if he'd bet 1/2 PS w/ Tx or QQ.

OTT if he had a flush draw he has completed it, but he bets small because his flush isn't A high or he either wants to keep you in the pot by not betting a lot and scaring you off if he has FH. Maybe he has trips and bets 1/2 PS to check how you will react.

OTR it's also very probable that he could have a straignt and many other hands, like flush, FH and his bet is strong. V is probably never bluffing you w/ 3 barrels, especially on that kind of board. Not many hands that you could beat actually. IMO he either has flush, straight, FH or at least trips here. Folding is the best option here. But for the god's sake let's assume that his range OTR is something like this: QQ+, T9-JQ, AJ, KJ. This hand has you crushed. Could he be firing 3 barrels w/ KQ or AQ? Hard to tell without any reads or stats.
5nl 6max zoom, what to do? Quote
08-30-2014 , 09:29 AM
thanks for your analysis. So I guess I played this hand fine then.
5nl 6max zoom, what to do? Quote
