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5nl: 3B QQ from BB 5nl: 3B QQ from BB

05-23-2012 , 05:59 PM

I have a problem with this hand.

Villains were:
UTG/MP (?): 4/4 after 20 hands.
CO: 39/22 after 50 hands.

I 3B because I didn't want to play this hand OOP in a multiway pot. Of course it was a value bet, especially when we consider stats of CO. However, when MP 4 bets I guess I'm not good here. What should I do in such a spot? It would be great if someone could explain the best play considering equity, dead money and other factors. Thanks.

$0.02/$0.05 No Limit Holdem
5 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by

UTG ($5)
CO ($6.09)
BTN ($7.39)
SB ($2.40)
Hero (BB) ($5.61)

Pre-Flop: ($0.07, 5 players) Hero is BB Q Q
UTG raises to $0.20, CO calls $0.20, 2 folds, Hero raises to $0.75, UTG raises to $1.90, CO folds, $1.15 to Hero ($4.86)?
5nl: 3B QQ from BB Quote
05-23-2012 , 06:21 PM
shove if people are getting in JJ+,AKo+ pre @ 5nl
5nl: 3B QQ from BB Quote
05-23-2012 , 07:44 PM
Have a plan when you 3bet pre.
UTG's running 4/4 dude I know its a small sample but still, even against most 19/17 type guys I'm flatting qq out of the blinds to an utg raise. So what I'm saying is I flat pre and lead a decent amount of flops.
Shove now.
5nl: 3B QQ from BB Quote
05-23-2012 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by PeoplesElbow
shove if people are getting in JJ+,AKo+ pre @ 5nl
it's more like KK+ and sometimes AKo+ (regs that is)
5nl: 3B QQ from BB Quote
05-23-2012 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by Jimmay
it's more like KK+ and sometimes AKo+ (regs that is)
Even regs get it in with a wider range than this.
5nl: 3B QQ from BB Quote
05-23-2012 , 11:10 PM
Make assumptions on unknown player. I'd assume unknown player 4-bets with QQ+/AK, and then you know what to do.
5nl: 3B QQ from BB Quote
05-23-2012 , 11:47 PM
you are 3betting for value vs the CO who called the original raiser

when UTG min raises, its always suspect, but CO have fishy stats so will tend to call a lot with bad hands and get stacked etc as we all know so we are 3betting to get money in against him.

whenever UTG 4bets, its a bit annoying, most people would say just get it in because might have AK/JJ and not want to flat and you can be squeezing light for thin value and he did min raise pre.

this is prob correct you probly shudnt fold but it always feels so wrong getting it in against some people. against them, I fold lol
5nl: 3B QQ from BB Quote
05-23-2012 , 11:57 PM
jj+/ak Flip in there favour. qq+/ak 60/40.
To early to know if utg is a nit, 20 hands is not many. People aren't folding qq utg here, maybe even JJ.

$4-25 to win ~ 10ish (~ we have 42 % equity , just guessing). I think ill go ahead and shove here, there is a possibility thats utg is spazzing out with tt etc.

Marginal spot vs utg if we get it in, still value in 3betting as we could go HU with co whose range is likely to be wider.
5nl: 3B QQ from BB Quote
05-24-2012 , 12:12 AM
49,656,816 games 0.048 secs 1,034,517,000 games/sec


equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 59.793% 57.93% 01.86% 28767898 923339.00 { QQ+, AKs, AKo }
Hand 1: 40.207% 38.35% 01.86% 19042240 923339.00 { QcQs }


59,930,640 games 0.059 secs 1,015,773,559 games/sec


equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 52.634% 51.06% 01.58% 30598090 945878.00 { JJ+, AKs, AKo }
Hand 1: 47.366% 45.79% 01.58% 27440794 945878.00 { QcQs }

5nl: 3B QQ from BB Quote
05-24-2012 , 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by bruinddh
Even regs get it in with a wider range than this.
Most Regs don't 4bet QQ at 5nl they call a 3b with it. JJ all in ore is rare at 5nl. AK depends.
5nl: 3B QQ from BB Quote
