ok so i dont have the hh but heres what happened i was thinking about this hand earlier as i have no life, and it reminded me of a hand that i saw David Benefield play in cr vid at 5/10 i think it was against sause123 but dont quote me on that it was also on 6 max but the concept works here just fine.
In my hand 88 and had been three betting relenlessly then this guy insta four bets ( he really hadnt been four betting muth it think it was hes 2nd time) i mean four bets so fast it would make your head spin to 14 we werent that deep maybe 120 effective and i just shoved my 88 and sure enough confirming my read he had ak.
The hand with raptor was simular when he was monkey three beting the button with a massive range and the guy insta four bets and he has 9 10 and he said i shove here because he only ever has a bluff or ak and 9 10 is pretty good agsinst that range he shoves and sause or who ever calls with ak and it bricks of.
what links that two hands is that you can define the range so spicfically that i shoved 88 a pretty teribad play if you dont have the read but then it hit me why not call
if you call three thinks will happen
1)no ace or king comes he c/bets you then can raise
2) he checks you can bet super small say 1/5 -1/3 pot and see what he does
3)the board comes a ace or king high you check fold
4)somthing like 8% of the time you flop and set and he hits tp all money goes in
it just seems to me that as thinking players that if most our edge comes from post flop game then why not try and exploite it more then just shoving and he has jj 20% of the time at least if he c/bets you can minish raise and fold to a shove
id love to know what you think of it imo if David was that sure the guy had ak or air a call is much better i know that it could be good for image but had he played it the other way he would have got half the money in the middle.
insidentally i saw another cr vid with raptor in where he puts a guy on ak calls a four bet in pos with kj and then bets small on two streets talks it down i know that he was in pos in the his first hand and im guessing in the other but does it really make a differance i mean position is good because you can get more info but when you have that stong a read?...
id love to know what your thoughts are, Raptor if you out there fell free to post.
run well.