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50NL Is turn barrel profitable? 50NL Is turn barrel profitable?

01-07-2014 , 03:55 PM
Haven't figured out hand converter yet.
Hero Stack $60
Villain $38

Villain opens from BTN to $1.50, I 3bet to $4.50 from SB with KcQc, BB folds, BTN calls.

Flop Tc 8d 6h
I bet $4.75, villain calls.

Turn Td

Villian is 19/13 over 82 hands, no other stats.

The only read I have up to this point is that he repped a river Ace in a previous pot with air when checked to.
When he flats the 3bet pre flop, I put him on all pairs 22-TT... sometimes just flatting with JJ and QQ other times 3betting them, and medium to big suited connectors. Slow played hands like AA/KK are discounted somewhat, as he probably raises them on the flop.

I think he might call the flop cbet with all pocket pairs, including his flopped sets. He will probably float all his one pair plus gutshots i.e. 67s, 78s,89s

He could also float AQ or AJ.

So with all that, what do people think about barrelling the turn?

I count 36 combos of under pairs that don't make sets..... I think I chickened out because there are so many tens in his range, but if he folds his AJ,AQ and underpairs, a turn bet here could be profitable.

Any thoughts?

Last edited by Take The Field; 01-07-2014 at 04:18 PM.
50NL Is turn barrel profitable? Quote
01-07-2014 , 04:11 PM
So I'm guessing pre went him 1-1.25, you 4.50, him call, and then what was flop action? It doesn't really say in the OP. How much did you bet and how deep are you guys?

Regardless turn is a pretty easy x/f, think barreling is pretty much lighting money on fire. We'd check this turn card with the great majority of our range, and he has a lot more Tx than we do. We don't fold much out by betting turn.
50NL Is turn barrel profitable? Quote
01-07-2014 , 04:27 PM
Ok... just edited my original post.

Hero Stack $60
Villain $38

Villain opens from BTN to $1.50, I 3bet to $4.50 from SB with KcQc, BB folds, BTN calls.

Flop Tc 8d 6h
I bet $4.75, villain calls.

Turn Td
I aggree that there is more Tx in his range, just want to know if people in Villains spot would fold their underpairs and one pair with draw hands on that turn.
I think I fold 99 for example in Villains shoes, if an Ace comes on the turn.

I'm not sure I would call a turn bet when the Ten comes either.
50NL Is turn barrel profitable? Quote
01-07-2014 , 04:51 PM
I think that his pair+GS won't and shouldn't fold this turn typically. Unless he has some read that you 3b a pretty tight range and don't often barrel which over 82 hands he probably doesn't, and that's seemingly not the case for you anyway.

Also I think it's really safe to say that 22-55 fold flop and you don't get floated by A high here a ton, unless it's like A9/A7s. People will peel some AQs or AJs with a BDFD tho, sure. His range is just too strong to continue. We fold out the very bottom of it which is like QJs, a few A highs and bottom pair type stuff (maybe) and basically everything else calls or ships.
50NL Is turn barrel profitable? Quote
