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50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b 50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b

09-09-2009 , 03:36 AM
mods delete thread plz.....wrong HH.
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 03:46 AM
lol. first?
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 03:50 AM
Well if ya wanna get some's the set up. Villain was like 16/12 over 600 hands, ATS 30% and fold to 3b 75%. He opens from the CO and I 3b with TT. He min 4b's. I then hate poker all over again. We're 100bb deep. The 4b was to just under 25% of stacks.
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 03:50 AM
lol dont be dumb and 3 bet TT if u dont know what to do when he 4 bets?
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 03:52 AM
yeah wat range do you think he 4bets there? Have you been 3betting him alot? Does he see you as a ******? Has he done anything ******ed before min 4betting?
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 03:52 AM
Originally Posted by gregGGhehe
lol dont be dumb and 3 bet TT if u dont know what to do when he 4 bets?
i somewhat agree. however if he makes a min4bet its an easy call/set mine and c/f flop basically unless the flop is bricks and you can c/c one street perhaps
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 03:53 AM
set mine in a 4bet pot? That just doesnt sound like a party I wanna be at...
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 03:54 AM
Unfortunately, I feel like every reg sees me as a ******. Some weird **** has been happening to me lately (regs flat calling 4b with AK OOP, regs flat calling 3b with QJo OOP because they know I'm 3b light so they call even lighter) and it's probably just messing with me.
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 03:55 AM
I go thru that stage about once a month. You just gotta figure out his lamesauce range, and play it. fwiw I don't think many 16/12's will be playing back at YOU.

They play back at me SOMETIMES, and I run pretty lagtastic (lagtarded).
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 03:59 AM
saying ppl see me as a ****** isnt an excuse for being dumb w.e..

why are u 3 betting ur TT?
what worse does he call?
does he bluff often?
whats ur read?
u just 3 bet cause lol ppl have been seeing me as a ****** comeon!!
uu have been getting better lately dont go back to being bad now
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 04:55 AM
yeah if you're gonna 3b TT here you should know why you're doing it and what to do facing a 4bet

also there's nothing unusual about the sizing, a min4bet still denies you setmining odds and puts you in a spot where you shouldn't really be flatting with anything since you're OOP - as long as he's putting you in a shove or fold spot he should be doing it as cheaply as possible with his entire range

without history i wouldn't 3bet but as played just fold anyway... if you have an aggro LP dynamic and think he's 4b bluffing a decent amount or value-4betting hands like AQ then go ahead and ship
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 05:02 AM
Originally Posted by HappyPixel
yeah if you're gonna 3b TT here you should know why you're doing it and what to do facing a 4bet

also there's nothing unusual about the sizing, a min4bet still denies you setmining odds and puts you in a spot where you shouldn't really be flatting with anything since you're OOP - as long as he's putting you in a shove or fold spot he should be doing it as cheaply as possible with his entire range

without history i wouldn't 3bet but as played just fold anyway... if you have an aggro LP dynamic and think he's 4b bluffing a decent amount or value-4betting hands like AQ then go ahead and ship
can the some body stove AQ+ TT+ vs TT
its a clear fold coz you now haz no respect so he is calling it off wide

an yes MIN 4 bet or 2.5x is standart sizing why you think otherwise

and obv dont 3bet pre unless he is totaal droooler bad hand to bluff with i,o

i meant to +1 hp
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by gregGGhehe
saying ppl see me as a ****** isnt an excuse for being dumb w.e..

why are u 3 betting ur TT?
what worse does he call?
does he bluff often?
whats ur read?
u just 3 bet cause lol ppl have been seeing me as a ****** comeon!!
uu have been getting better lately dont go back to being bad now
Like I said, I've been seeing weird **** lately. See BBV for instance. A player who is beginning to have reg stats 3b my UTG open from the CO with 99.
If I thought my 3b's got THAT much credit - where people would fold everything but JJ+ - I'd be 3b'ing all day long.

So I 3b because I think his flatting range I am ahead of. And partly because I don't like being put in difficult spots OOP - partly I'm just wanting him to fold PF, which I know is bad and just a result of my recent ride on the variance train.
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 05:08 AM
If you can't keep the fundaments of poker together while you are playing a LAG game I would suggest you to play tighter

you have "seen weird ****" and now you asume that "this weird **** is happening again"

That's not using a lot of logic
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 05:14 AM
meh im tilting
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by TheDataKid
If you can't keep the fundaments of poker together while you are playing a LAG game I would suggest you to play tighter

you have "seen weird ****" and now you asume that "this weird **** is happening again"

That's not using a lot of logic

lag game???


I'm playing my same 12/9 nit pussy game
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 05:17 AM
Originally Posted by I vi ii V7
Like I said, I've been seeing weird **** lately. See BBV for instance. A player who is beginning to have reg stats 3b my UTG open from the CO with 99.
If I thought my 3b's got THAT much credit - where people would fold everything but JJ+ - I'd be 3b'ing all day long.

So I 3b because I think his flatting range I am ahead of. And partly because I don't like being put in difficult spots OOP - partly I'm just wanting him to fold PF, which I know is bad and just a result of my recent ride on the variance train.
and what flatting range in a " bet pot may TT be ahead of sir?
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by zugzwangg
and what flatting range in a " bet pot may TT be ahead of sir?
I just got flatted by 33 OOP on a table. If ppl can flat 4b's with AK OOP, and QJo to 3b's OOP, and 33 to a 3b OOP, I think this guy can show up with worse than TT. All regs = pieces of **** play machines that can go **** themselves.
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by I vi ii V7

lag game???


I'm playing my same 12/9 nit pussy game

how can they view u as a maniac then?
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 05:23 AM
Cuz regs like to call 3-bets with lots of crap and call it "outplaying" people.
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by TheDataKid

how can they view u as a maniac then?
+1, if you are playing 12/9 you can't expect to be called by much worse barring some read that they call too many 3bets which this villain doesn't
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by I vi ii V7
Cuz regs like to call 3-bets with lots of crap and call it "outplaying" people.
I think you have to cut lose from the idea that if some of the regulars are very bad with calling 3bets with trash not everybody will

Its the same idea as: All moslims are terrorists

Very extreme example maybe haha
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 05:33 AM
if ur a nit why would regs call u with trash
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 06:29 AM
Are you sure these guys are regs? At least competent regs? I've got lengthy histories on some players, but I see them made the most incompetent plays. Raising too much from EP, flat calling 3Bs and then just folding to cbets, etc. One guy set mined me with a 15BB preflop call with 100BB stacks. One player I have stacked three days in a row now.

Sometimes people never learn what the hell they're doing.

I usually just stick to a solid game. If I start trying to be too extreme in my adjustments (like 3betting TT for a reason other than a bluff), then I'm just getting into trouble. This is especially true preflop where you're still facing the whole table. I've had regulars lecture me on how they outplayed me by calling with KT from the SB. Let them. I'm making good money while they are floundering. People who make a habit of 4betting with pocket 3s aren't going to be successful poker players.
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
09-09-2009 , 06:40 AM
You and Martin are the same person?

Stop FPS'ing and thinking regs are doing weird stuff all the time, instead focus on solid poker theorems to play ABC and win lots of monies from fish. Openingup your game a bit wouldn't hurt either.
50nl TT wtf, I feel like this should be a no brainer, facing a 4b Quote
