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[50NL] TPTK in 3bet pot facing river c/r [50NL] TPTK in 3bet pot facing river c/r

10-09-2010 , 02:31 PM
people in FR will flat with QQ/KK and some never 4bet KK.

best to move this to FR tbh, pointless a bunch of 6max player discussing, when they have never played FR for a decent sample.
[50NL] TPTK in 3bet pot facing river c/r Quote
10-09-2010 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by blackgerbil1
people in FR will flat with QQ/KK and some never 4bet KK.

best to move this to FR tbh, pointless a bunch of 6max player discussing, when they have never played FR for a decent sample.
But we are having a hypothetical 6max discussion at this point.
[50NL] TPTK in 3bet pot facing river c/r Quote
10-09-2010 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by (.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)
But we are having a hypothetical 6max discussion at this point.
lol fair enough carry on

Originally Posted by blackgerbil1
flop check is fine imo, hits villains range pretty well. Betting is also fine as we have gutshot+2 overs, just sucks whne they raise us tho because we have to fold.

turn is bet, id prob made it like $8~, and id check river back because I dont see what wrose hands are calling.
but for OP, this is the correct advice, i have played over 500k hands fr and crushed
[50NL] TPTK in 3bet pot facing river c/r Quote
10-09-2010 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by (.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)
88+, AQ+, since this is a random put some smaller pp's in there and some random ****, because you cannot ignore random ****...

Btw, im not saying this is an autobet, even the slightest read might change that. If the guy plays 6/6 over 20 hands i'm prob not going to cbet.

My point was (and is) that readless im cbetting this flop and expect to get folds from better hands (smaller pp's). But I play 20nl, not 50nl.

People flat with QQ, and lets call JTs/QTs random ****. A good player is not going to call 3bets with that OOP vs an unknown.
so he has 42 combos plus random garbage. I'm gonna discount 2 combos each of KK and AA and add 6 combos or random trash. So he has 44 combos in his range.

Let's assume he plays fit or fold, he's gonna fold 26 of those. So with a standard half pot cbet we should take it down enough to be EV+. We don't know his range of course, but we'll always have to make assumptions at some point when we play, and make them at the best of our educated guessing.

Obviously this is not my main point tho, what I wanted to point out is that we can't just go ahead and say I would cbet or not without thinking what are the ranges involved and what to do next, because this is what I mostly read in this thread when people said to cbet. If we give villain your range a cbet is profitable, if we give him a narrower range we're better off checking. With a wider range the best line is to run a multi street bluff against a reg, but not against a station. But blindly making a play without considering what we will do in any given outcome is strongly EV-.
[50NL] TPTK in 3bet pot facing river c/r Quote
10-10-2010 , 12:03 PM
sorry about the wrong forum post btw

fwiw I called river and he showed exactly what I thought he had (bluffcatcher turned into a bluff), AJ

and I'm not fond of cbetting that flop against unknowns that have decent stats.

The question was more about turn/river betsizing, I was actually contemplating a river c/back but I thought he could call with AQ. obviously if he spazzes like he did I think it's a mandatory b/c

ty for your input every1
[50NL] TPTK in 3bet pot facing river c/r Quote
