Originally Posted by robinfromthehood
You've included 9 in some of those combos and it's on the board. Other than that it looks reasonable.
Do an equity calc showing it's +EV and you'll have me convinced.
Ok TY,
Here are the ranges, you can copy paste straight onto stove. Feel free to mess around with them.
Flop donk bet range 52.1%(9d9h,9d9s,9h9s,2d2h,2d2s,2h2s,Ad9d,Ah9h,As9s ,QcJc,JcTc,8c7c,7c6c,6c5c,5c4c,4c3c,AdQc,AhQc,AsQc ,AdJc,AhJc,AsJc,AdTc,AhTc,AsTc,Ad9h,Ad9s,Ah9d,Ah9s ,As9d,As9h)31 hands
Stack off range 69.2%(9d9h,9d9s,9h9s,2d2h,2d2s,2h2s,QcJc,QcTc,JcTc ,Jc8c,Tc8c,8c7c,8c6c,7c6c,7c5c,6c5c)16 hands.
That's if we assume he folds 2pair and baby flushes (5c-4c,4c-3c)