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50NL - Rate My Bluff 50NL - Rate My Bluff

08-05-2019 , 05:50 AM
Effective stacks are $115. BU open-raises to $1, Hero 3-bets AK from the BB to $4.5, BU calls.

Flop: 266
Hero bets $7 into $9.25, BU calls

Turn: 2669
Hero bets $18 into $23.3, BU calls

Hero shoves $85 into $59 and puts BU all-in

No reads on villain.

AK would also have some SDV but it blocks AA/KK so BU can have the full range of weaker PP. Good idea or bad idea? Which hands do you suggest bluffing in that spot?
50NL - Rate My Bluff Quote
08-05-2019 , 06:04 AM
there are way more better hands we want to bluff with (i.e. less sdv and better blockers)
50NL - Rate My Bluff Quote
08-05-2019 , 06:14 AM
45s, 78s is in heros 3bet range at times and are better bluffs? Why blast away sdw on a sahara dry board?
50NL - Rate My Bluff Quote
08-05-2019 , 06:23 AM
How much SDV do we really have after he called a rather big turn-bet? hands like 78 also block hands like 77/88
@yasuo: like KQ?
50NL - Rate My Bluff Quote
08-05-2019 , 06:34 AM
Originally Posted by Acryl2
How much SDV do we really have after he called a rather big turn-bet? hands like 78 also block hands like 77/88
@yasuo: like KQ?
Yes but dose 77/88 even call huge turn bet?
50NL - Rate My Bluff Quote
08-05-2019 , 06:37 AM
Originally Posted by TakeItiletyou
Yes but dose 77/88 even call huge turn bet?
much rather than worse A-high imo
50NL - Rate My Bluff Quote
08-05-2019 , 11:49 AM
why we bet so big vs a btn 3b call range?
50NL - Rate My Bluff Quote
08-05-2019 , 05:01 PM
Well it should generate the highest amount of fold equity, no? I think I would shove my 99,KK+ here as well... how would you size here?
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