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50NL - PAHWM - AA sees nightmare-type flop in 3b pot 50NL - PAHWM - AA sees nightmare-type flop in 3b pot

11-05-2010 , 06:38 PM
HJ - big fish - 65/22 over 23 - min-3b my UTG opr from the BTN with KJo an orbit prior
BTN - even bigger fish - 54/9 over 76 - done stupid stuff like donk all 3 streets BvB vs. me with bottom pair no kicker
BB - aggro meh-reg - 18/16/4.8% 3b over 250 - i have noted that he has a tendency to cold-call 3bets in spots where he should really be raising or folding

obv pre is super-standard - could there be any merit in flatting to try and get a squeeze tho? the reg cold-calls so his range is fairly face-up. board is probably worst possible - what are we doing?

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $0.50(BB) Replayer
Hero ($50)
BB ($50)
UTG ($25.90)
UTG+1 ($25.65)
UTG+2 ($54.95)
MP1 ($84.65)
CO ($28.45)
BTN ($34.50)

Dealt to Hero A A

fold, fold, fold, MP1 raises to $1, fold, BTN calls $1, Hero raises to $5.75, BB calls $5.25, fold, BTN calls $4.75

FLOP ($18.25) Q K T
50NL - PAHWM - AA sees nightmare-type flop in 3b pot Quote
11-05-2010 , 07:27 PM
I'm bet-calling, or bet-betting. I think on this type of board, it's best to get it in by the turn at the latest. If he has a draw, he obv doesn't put $ in after it misses on the river.

When BB cold calls, I think most of the time, he has QQ, JJ, AK. You're doing so well against their ranges, I just try to get it in. He won't fold AK or JJ imo.

so bet 13-14 at least, to set up a turn shove. It's going to suck if everyone calls, cause then they have to call the turn as well, but that's my plan.

12 might work too, but I wouldn't bet less than 12.
50NL - PAHWM - AA sees nightmare-type flop in 3b pot Quote
11-06-2010 , 01:51 AM
I think you are behind everyone's getting it in range. I check and play the hand passively
50NL - PAHWM - AA sees nightmare-type flop in 3b pot Quote
11-06-2010 , 03:07 AM
vs fish bet small/fold vs anybody else check fold the flop, horrible for your hand & no way you want to get even 50bb into that pot muchless stack off
50NL - PAHWM - AA sees nightmare-type flop in 3b pot Quote
11-10-2010 , 07:00 PM
check fold
50NL - PAHWM - AA sees nightmare-type flop in 3b pot Quote
11-10-2010 , 09:55 PM
What is BB first action on the flop? If he checks im betting, im not worried about the fish as we have him crushed, im only worried about the big blind. We can get called by a ton of worse hands here and have the backdoor nut flush and gutshot draws if we are behind which we wont be a lot of the time.
50NL - PAHWM - AA sees nightmare-type flop in 3b pot Quote
11-10-2010 , 11:43 PM
Hero is SB, he has to act first.

I think the best action is to bet and hope one of the fish knocks out everyone else with a minraise, then I stick the rest in, knowing he'll get it in with worse.
50NL - PAHWM - AA sees nightmare-type flop in 3b pot Quote
11-11-2010 , 12:39 AM
terrible flop lol. i would c/f
50NL - PAHWM - AA sees nightmare-type flop in 3b pot Quote
11-11-2010 , 01:17 AM
As some mentioned...I guess I would bet $10.25 and continue with the hand no matter what if BB folds. If BB calls or raises I'm out unless of course we improve on the turn (if BB only calls).
50NL - PAHWM - AA sees nightmare-type flop in 3b pot Quote
11-11-2010 , 03:12 AM
in spots like these where a ****** minraises and another *** calls, i might even reraise to like $10. he either has JJ/QQ/KK that he'll call with or some bs that he'll fold
50NL - PAHWM - AA sees nightmare-type flop in 3b pot Quote
11-11-2010 , 05:05 AM
Originally Posted by mtagliaf
Hero is SB, he has to act first.

I think the best action is to bet and hope one of the fish knocks out everyone else with a minraise, then I stick the rest in, knowing he'll get it in with worse.
My bad. Teach me to look at HH`s after a couple of beers lol.
Yep now defnatley betting here.
50NL - PAHWM - AA sees nightmare-type flop in 3b pot Quote
