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50nl middle set fails me... line check 50nl middle set fails me... line check

08-31-2010 , 11:41 AM
I was thinking about shoving turn, but only QQ KK or AA will call me.. so i slow played.

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $0.50(BB) Replayer
SB ($50)
BB ($52.25)
UTG ($59)
UTG+1 ($32.45)
Hero ($54.25)
MP1 ($22.90)
MP2 ($50)
CO ($50)
BTN ($21.10)

Dealt to Hero 9 9

UTG TAG raises to $2, UTG+1 GIANTS STATION calls $2, Hero calls $2, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold

FLOP ($6.75) 9 6 Q

UTG TAG bets $4, UTG+1 STATION calls $4, Hero calls $4

TURN ($18.75) 9 6 Q 4

UTG TAG bets $13.50, UTG+1 STATION calls $13.50, Hero calls $13.50

RIVER ($59.25) 9 6 Q 4 8

UTG bets $39.50 TAG (AI), UTG+1 STATION calls $12.95 (AI), Hero calls $34.75 (AI)

moving down to 25nl fml.
50nl middle set fails me... line check Quote
08-31-2010 , 11:44 AM
shove turn, ez game
50nl middle set fails me... line check Quote
08-31-2010 , 11:46 AM
"UTG+1 GIANT STATION" is not folding Qx.
50nl middle set fails me... line check Quote
08-31-2010 , 11:49 AM
Don't show results.

I really think you have to raise this flop. There are a ton of cards that either scare you or could kill your action (A/K/Q/T/9/8/6/5). A TAG probably isn't bluffing into two players so he likely has something that could stand some action. And the station isn't going anywhere.

Once you don't raise the flop, you HAVE to raise the turn - if your is that only AA/KK/QQ would call your shove that's still making you money. 3 combos of QQ vs. 12 total combos of AA/KK. Note, though, that by waiting until the turn to raise, you can't even make the station make a bigger mistake. Once he calls the TAG's bet on the turn (which is obviously awful) he's getting odds to call your raise if you were to have shoved.

I actually think that as played, you can fold 99 on the river, possibly, depending on what TAG means to you. Would UTG1 bet 3 streets with AA/KK/AQ? Even when the most obvious draw hits?
50nl middle set fails me... line check Quote
08-31-2010 , 12:16 PM
I'm happy you are moving down to NL25, because based on this post, you definitely have some leaks you should work on. I hope that at NL25, you have a big bankroll that will allow you to experiment a little more with your style and fix some leaks in a relaxed manner.

In this hand, pf is fine and the flop is a nice call. But you need to shove the turn. Let's say that Villain "only calls with QQ KK and AA." Well, guess what - it's STILL a profitable shove. So that's a huge leak. And, secondly, now with the pot so big and you essentially committed on the river, you really can't afford to let JTo have another free card.

50nl middle set fails me... line check Quote
08-31-2010 , 12:48 PM
Raise flop.. Or raise turn, but , please , raise......
50nl middle set fails me... line check Quote
08-31-2010 , 12:49 PM
Pretty bad dude. Raise that flop. And the very least shove the turn and charge them. But this is bad slow play. And who's the station?
50nl middle set fails me... line check Quote
09-01-2010 , 04:27 AM
Yeah, I am assuming that if TJ makes the nuts, villain had TJ.

However, when the action gets to you on the turn, the pot is large and in charge. You should be doing a happy dance as all of your chips fall majestically in to the middle after you push butan ARR IN.

I mean, look at it, when action gets to you on the turn, you basically have almost exactly a potsized bet left back, get it in.
50nl middle set fails me... line check Quote
09-01-2010 , 04:35 AM
easy turn shove, for a start the reg's range for barreling this board into 2 players is AQ+ and the fish is never folding Qx
50nl middle set fails me... line check Quote
09-01-2010 , 06:33 AM
Grunch: Raise flop or turn for sure.
50nl middle set fails me... line check Quote
09-01-2010 , 08:05 AM
What do you think UTG is double-barelling here with? He has two callers on a dryish flop, to fire the turn he has to have at least AQ, probably KK+ or sets. If you shove the turn he probably calls KK+, 66, QQ, the fish will probably call any queen, so just get it in on the turn. From the fact this thread exists I guess UTG has QQ, but that doesn't mean you played it bad.
50nl middle set fails me... line check Quote
09-01-2010 , 09:09 AM
like if you cant raise the flop because people think u will always have a set... then you are not raising enough flops.
50nl middle set fails me... line check Quote
09-01-2010 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by Tony Skaloni
like if you cant raise the flop because people think u will always have a set... then you are not raising enough flops.
BINGO. I like how every post is basically the same thing just worded differently.


Raise Flop and go all-in on the turn.
Too bad that you see QQ or an ugly J10
50nl middle set fails me... line check Quote
